Android v4.0.3 does not work with external USB keyboard

Yes, to the suggestion above for USB host mode plus the previous USB debugging mode suggestion. Are you sure you have Android 4.0.3? Have you checked in settings? With a no-name tablet maybe it is not as advertised or maybe not really 4.0.3. Older versions of Android require HID adapter software such as BlueKeyboard JP (usually with bluetooth but possibly usb). Sometimes a null keyboard app is required as well so the onscreen keyboard doesn't show up.

In addition to trying the USB host mode and debugging modes, you may want to go into keyboard settings and make sure any appropriate options are checked. With the keyboard connected, open something with a text input field such as email and long press the text input area. This might bring up a menu where you need to select the input method. Select the appropriate option.

Great -- this is the single most informative post for me so far. Here are my comments to your suggestions:

1) "...Are you sure you have Android 4.0.3? Have you checked in settings? With a no-name tablet maybe it is not as advertised or maybe not really 4.0.3."

Well, I did go to "Settings > About tablet" on the day of purchase and found the following:

Model number: Q7A-2
Android version: 4.0.3
Kernel version: 3.0.8 ubuntu@ubuntu-Aspire-5750G #2
Build number: crane_zu5370-eng 4.0.3 IML74K 20120510 test-key

In relation to the above: (a) Does this unequivocally show that the android version is 4.0.3? (b) What about the kernel version 3.0.8 -- is it up-to-date or does it need to be v4 or above? (c) Finally what about the build number and that string -- could I find the build files off the internet and perhaps add any missing functionality?

2) "...Older versions of Android require HID adapter software"

Interesting -- perhaps if I try some of the applications intended originally to provide HID support for older versions of Android it could have some debugging capability and help me trace the root of the problems? Just as a thought: perhaps it could clearly display the status of the two USB ports, detect any devices attached to them as well as identify any drivers and routines scanning the ports, etc. Can you recommend any at all? (I will scan Android Play/Market, but there is so much stuff on it and not all is relevant).

3) "...Sometimes a null keyboard app is required as well so the onscreen keyboard doesn't show up"

OK, I'll look it up on Android Play/Market. I presume this is a simple app which inhibits the display of the on-screen keyboard and thus it might facilitate the use or the detection of the external USB keyboard. This is a long shot, but I am desperate.

4) "...In addition to trying the USB host mode and debugging modes, you may want to go into keyboard settings and make sure any appropriate options are checked. With the keyboard connected, open something with a text input field such as email and long press the text input area. This might bring up a menu where you need to select the input method. Select the appropriate option."

Well, I have tried finding all related settings, including but not limited to, "Settings > Language & Input" and when the on-screen keyboard is displayed "Settings > Android Keyboard Settings" but so far no luck with finding the silver bullet -- a setting that would remotely resemble anything that could select the input source (external USB keyboard as opposed to on-screen one). I tried also your idea with holding down the finger to envoke any context-sensitive menues, but again with no luck -- any and all menues that I can envoke do not have a sought option. In this respect: I can see that currently the tablets have two active input drivers -- one is the standard Android keyboard input driver and the other is some Chinese driver, which has all its settings in Chinese and the "active" checkbox is greyed-out and <TRUE> -- the user cannot deselect it. Is this if any importance?

It is frustrating for me that in this age of "plug-n-play" I cannot make a simple USB keyboard work with a simple terminal. I am new to Android, Linux and Ubuntu, but I an not that new to computing and peripherals and I have even written a few device drivers in assembly language for various systems in the past. If you could recommend some testing or other applications and developers' tools I might be able to look at a greater depth into the problem...

Thanks again for your help and time and do please keep suggestions coming -- I have now these three tablets with three cases with keyboards (intended as presents for three of my nieces) but they do not work when connected and I wanted so much to make the keyboards work to help them with typing and learning touchtyping, etc. For now it's been a series of disappointments (not least with the support from the seller on the eBay, but that's a different story).

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Have a tablet, Vital ASC ST0717, and it looks just like yours!! Same style, same ports, etc.

It is supposed to support these: 3G USB-Dongle Internet Card, USB Drive, USB Mouse, or, USB Keyboard.

Also got the carrying case with keyboard, and it does not work, and is not recognized as being plugged in the USB port.

Being in the same boat, hope someone can provide some guidance on how to get the portable USB keyboard to work.

Will be calling tech support on Monday, and see if they can shed any enlightment on the issue..
Have a tablet, Vital ASC ST0717, and it looks just like yours!! Same style, same ports, etc.

It is supposed to support these: 3G USB-Dongle Internet Card, USB Drive, USB Mouse, or, USB Keyboard.

Also got the carrying case with keyboard, and it does not work, and is not recognized as being plugged in the USB port.

Being in the same boat, hope someone can provide some guidance on how to get the portable USB keyboard to work.

Will be calling tech support on Monday, and see if they can shed any enlightment on the issue..

Hmm... On one hand: a great info for me, on the other hand: sorry to hear you have the same problems. Do please post your news here, especially if you find a solution.
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Keyboard with a separate power supply? Wow! All my keyboards are powered via the USB.

Well, you are right -- all USB keyboards are probably powered by the USB port, mine too. However I have a cable and an external power supply which can provide up to 4 amps (its not a self-powered hub, which might require a driver in order to work, it's plain cable, so it works always in all configurations) and I used this cable to try the Dell USB keyboards.

Thanks a lot for the tip -- this is a great software and a great help in my case, though so far I cannot report any tangible results -- I tried this over the weekend and this is what I get:

The software checks the claims made by the OS for USB Host support and then verifies that this support indeed functions. It produces different results when I plug external USB HDD (or a memory stick) and when I plug a keyboard as follows:

1) if I plug a USB HDD or memory stick: all listed by the OS claims for host USB are found to be true (presumably all tests of the relevant OS functionality by this software succeed)

2) if I plug a keyboard: all listed by the OS claims for host USB support are exactly the same as for case (1), but this time some of them are found to be not implemented or not working (the tests fail)

I have not had time to dive deeper into this in order to find what exactly happens and will try to do this over the week and post any further findings.

Thanks again and do please keep useful information like this coming in...

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Have you also tried the keyboards without your special cable letting the tablet try and power them (both with tablet plugged in and on battery)? Also though you say it isn't needed have you tried using a standard powered usb hub connected to the tablet and the keyboard to that? Might be worth trying both options just to see what happens.

I'll have to go back and reread since you may have said but have you been able to confirm the keyboards work on a pc? Did you use the special usb cord in this case or just go directly to usb port on pc?
This is interesting in that your experience is the opposite of my own. I started with two Coby Kyros (MID8125 and MID1126) tablets running GB 2.3.3. The USB keyboards worked but with incorrect mapping. I also got a wireless USB mouse to work or both the keyboard AND mouse with some (but not all) USB 4-to-1 hubs. These Coby tablets have a full, powered mini USB port.

One thing I found is some mini-USB to USB cables would not work, others would.

Fast forward... I picked up an Acer Iconia A500 with both a micro and a full, powered USB hub. The tablet was initially upgraded to HC 3.1, but quickly updated to 3.2 then 3.2.1. I found both keyboards fully function with correct mapping through the full, powered port only. Upgrading to ICS 4.0.3 made things smoother.

When I updated the Coby MID1126 to ICS 4.0.3 keyboard function was enhanced with functions like BKSP and Caps, Number and Scroll Lock working correctly.

So it seems that both the tablet and the keyboard affect compatibility. In aslo found the Acer A500 would support drives larger than 32 GB with a NTFS partition (I've read a 500GB powered drive so far) but the Coby doesn't reconize the drive. Things seem hit or miss depending on the m,naufacturer and what they support. I'll keep checking and post results later.
Have you also tried the keyboards without your special cable letting the tablet try and power them (both with tablet plugged in and on battery)? Also though you say it isn't needed have you tried using a standard powered usb hub connected to the tablet and the keyboard to that? Might be worth trying both options just to see what happens.

Yes, I have tried the keyboards just like they are, without the special cable and also with the tablets running on batteries or connected to their chargers -- in all these cases and combinations the keyboards appear powered OK by the tablets, but do not work (when the tablet is in input mode and expecting input from the keyboard and the cursor is blinking, the keyboard provides no input). Also, when I connect the keyboards to a tablet, the LEDs on the keybord blink once in the same way in which they do when connected to a PC, where they work correctly.

I'll have to go back and reread since you may have said but have you been able to confirm the keyboards work on a pc? Did you use the special usb cord in this case or just go directly to usb port on pc?

Yes -- the keyboards have a full-size USB-A male connector, so they can be directly connected to an ordinary PC, where they work correctly (the PC detects the HID device on its USB port, installs it, and starts using it accepting input from it; and at this point, when I type on the keyboard, the text appears displayed on the screen of the PC; but not just this -- at this point also pressing the "CapsLock" key on the keyboard causes the respective LED on the keyboard to light up or to go out, as expected -- lighting the LED on the keyboards is a function performed by the driver on the PC, so it demonstrates that the entire system keyboard<-->PC works correctly). When I connect the same keyboards directly to one of the tablets (the tablets have full-size USB-A female socket) they do not work. For example in "USB Debug" mode no messages are shown on the tablet's screen to indicate that a device has been detected on the USB port. Also, while the keyboards LEDs blink once at the moment of connection to the tablet, just like they do when connected to the PC, after that they remain dark and when I press the "CapsLock" key the corresponding LED does not light up.

The special USB cable is not the cause of the problem because I always try without it first. The keyboards work on the PC with and without it, but they do not work on the tablets with or without it. Also, any USB sticks and HDD attached to the tablets work correctly with this cable, so the cable is not the source of the problem. I only mentioed the special cable to demonstrate that it is not the power, supplied by the tablet's USB port, that causes the problem -- if this power were the problem then this special cable would have resolved the problem, but is does not. I wanted to clarify this because usually people would fist want to test whether the keyboards can be powered by the tablets.

Thanks again! All advice is welcome and appreciated -- please keep it comming.
... I aslo found the Acer A500 would support drives larger than 32 GB with a NTFS partition (I've read a 500GB powered drive so far) but the Coby doesn't reconize the drive. Things seem hit or miss depending on the m,naufacturer and what they support. I'll keep checking and post results later.

I can confirm this -- my tablets seem to work correctly with large extern USB TNFS drives, e.g. 500GB. This demonstrates that the full-size port has host functionality and the keyborads are not recognised probably because there is a problem with the HID driver for the USB port or some other reason, not because of missing host functionality per se.

Thanks again and do please keep posting tips and advice.
Well it sounds as though you have tested every combination of the keyboards and cables with tablets and PCs. You know the keyboards work and you know the usb hosting works on the tablet. It appears there is simply a compatibility issue with those keyboards and that tablet.

The only other thing I can think to suggest at this point is trying a couple of different usb keyboards if possible and see if they work. Maybe you can take the tablet into an electronics store and try plugging in various display usb keyboards and see if you can get any to work. If not then it would appear that your tablet has deeper issues since you have already been though the common settings and that you might not be able to get any key board to work.

One last idea to see if you can spot the problem is to run alogcat ( or something similar and then plug in the keyboard and see what you get.
Called tech support, but was told they would call me back in a day or two...not holding my breath on that one.

Right now thinking about installing Ubuntu on the tablet. There is a Linux Installer in the app store, and there is also Ubuntu for Android.

Have to find out more info, specifically, can one go from one OS to another at any given time.

Maybe I have lost my marbles!!:cool:
I read through this thread looking for some answers. But I will just leave my findings. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
I got this setup working on ICS 4.0.3 just a couple hours ago. Generic wired keyboard and mouse worked, Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse worked, A bluetooth dongle controlling an Apple bluetooth keyboard all worked with no problems. Accurate and smooth, most all the functions worked. Especially the Apple keyboard on an Android.
I loaded the USB Host Controller from Google Play, ran it and it properly recognized everything I threw at it. The only issue that I had was with my Sata hard drive. It's a USB 3.0 dongle direct to Sata controller from to my old laptop. It wouldn't recognize that, tho it is a relatively exotic cable setup. My windows box sometimes has problems with it. But it IS alarmingly fast. That will be something to look into within the kernel to get working at a later date.
I built my own OTG cable mini (not micro) plug to female usb plug. ICS recognized everything and worked flawlessly.
I even figured I would get a little retarded and grab all my USB goodies and see what worked and what didn't
So far, my HP USB DVD Burner, recognized, didn't test tho, but its see's it. My webcams, saw every one of those. My Creative sound blaster card, got that too.
So now I just need to find out how to install these drivers/roms and get ICS to recognize my hard drive and things will be good in the world.

Remember there are a lot of steps between 1 and 395, if you miss step 121, just start over instead of banging your head on the floor.



Garmin GPS, works, reads rom and sd card. USB plug into router, works. USB Hub works. 4.91V reading at USB power lead. Tho I would NOT trust the Tablets motherboard/bus to power anything for an extended period of time. It got kinda hot. I would suggest a powered USB hub.
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I read through this thread looking for some answers. But I will just leave my findings. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.
I got this setup working on ICS 4.0.3 just a couple hours ago. Generic wired keyboard and mouse worked, Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse worked, A bluetooth dongle controlling an Apple bluetooth keyboard all worked with no problems. Accurate and smooth, most all the functions worked. Especially the Apple keyboard on an Android.

Thanks for the info and for posting your results here -- however, just to confirm that I correctly understand what you say above:

(1) Do you say that all above-listed peripheral devices worked with your tablet as it was out-of-the-box and without doing anything to its settings (except building and using your own OTG mini-to-USB cable)?

(2) If the above is correct, then how did you know that you should be using the mini-USB port on your tablet not be using the more-obvious choice of the full-size USB port on your tablet?

(3) Or, perhpas, your tablet has just one mini-USB port and no full-size port?

(4) How did you get the mini-USB port on your tablet to supply power to the device attached to it? On my tablet only the full-sized USB port supplies power to devices attached to it because only it is of "host-type", the mini-USB port is of "client-type" and does not supply power to any devices attached to it. Please explain what you did to get the mini-USB port working with the peripherals and to make it perform as a host-type port?

I loaded the USB Host Controller from Google Play, ran it and it properly recognized everything I threw at it.

Thanks again -- this is great. Could you help me understand what you did:

(5) What is a "USB Host Controller from Google Play" -- I went to Google Play and found this: Is this what you used? (To me it appears as something diffrent and not related to my problem, but I am new to Android)

The only issue that I had was with my Sata hard drive. It's a USB 3.0 dongle direct to Sata controller from to my old laptop. It wouldn't recognize that, tho it is a relatively exotic cable setup. My windows box sometimes has problems with it. But it IS alarmingly fast. That will be something to look into within the kernel to get working at a later date.

Best of luck with this and I hope it can be made to work (just one note though -- my tablets have only USB v2.0 ports and not USB v3.0, so by definition any peripheral with USB v3.0 functionality is not supported on my tablets on electrical-signals level (protocol layer one) unless the peripheral has a fall-back feature to USB v2.0, which some of them have and others do not. Hopefully your tablet has USB v3.0 ports since otherwise even if the dongle has a fall-back to USB v2.0 it will not be any faster than a normal USB v2.0 connection.

So far, my HP USB DVD Burner, recognized, didn't test tho, but its see's it. My webcams, saw every one of those. My Creative sound blaster card, got that too. So now I just need to find out how to install these drivers/roms and get ICS to recognize my hard drive

Wow! Great! Just one more time:

(6) Are you saying that all these listed devices worked correctly (with the exception of the DVD burner, which you mention that you have not tested)?

(7) What do you refer to when you say "So now I just need to find out how to install these drivers/roms and get ICS to recognize my hard drive"? Which drivers and/or ROMs and where did you get them from? Did you get drivers from Google Play, and if so, for which peripherals? I am not able to find any drivers at all for Android -- all I find when I search for "Android Drivers" are games for driving and racing, not peripheral drivers -- could you give me a tip what to look for and where?

I appreciate your humour about the 395 steps and the possibility to easily miss step 121. Regretably, so far I am at step 0 and cannot get any further than that with my external USB keyboards. All your help and tips are greatly appreciated -- please post any further results and especially a bit of explanation of what you did and how you got your peripherals to work (unless your devices all worked out-of-the-box, like most of the people to whom I have talked have told me, and therefore they have been unable to help or provide any clues -- all they keep saying was "mine just works!").

Thanks and please keep posting.

Right now thinking about installing Ubuntu on the tablet. There is a Linux Installer in the app store, and there is also Ubuntu for Android.

Have to find out more info, specifically, can one go from one OS to another at any given time.

Wow -- this is great info: I too would like to know whether one can do it! Please post your results here. It seems that your situation is closest to mine and I would be very interested and grateful if you would post here about your progress.

Thank you very much indeed.
Plamen I think I can answer your questions adequately,

1) Partly, Yes. Aside from building the OTG cable, and loading the corresponding apps, I have had to do nothing special to my tablet. A lot of what I had found about making things work, is making sure that everything is working correctly from step one. Google search OTG cable was my starting point.

2)Because my 7" Mid Tablet only has a Usb Mini Plug. It does not have a full size Usb A plug.

3) Reference #2

4)From what I have read here and on the internet, when you use an OTG cable (special cable) on android 3.1 or later (correct me if I am wrong, please) the OTG cable has an extra pin, pin #5 linked to the ground, which tells the Tablets mini usb plug port to go into Host mode.

5) Correct. That is the app that I installed. It will confirm that your unit has properly recognized host usb and your usb peripheral is plugged in.

6)I plugged in most all of my USB devices to check that my unit was recognizing things and reporting them correctly. All of my mice and keyboards were confirmed to properly work. The DVD and my hard drives were recognized properly, but I did not go any further to confirm they actually worked. That was not my goal. To get my mini usb simply working for now was what I wanted to achieve. I will confirm other usb devices at a later date.

7)I am also new to Android, tho not new to the Linux kernal of which Android is based upon. Since my unit has been rooted (basically I have administrator privileges within the file system of my Android), I know that not all "drivers" are "installed" in the Android kernel and the roms need to be loaded. Terminology with Android and Linux may be different than Windows, but all mean the same thing. Don't let the different terminologies confuse you.
Loading a rom, or installing an app is still the same process. Just like any computer, you must have the corresponding "drivers" to your hardware for things to properly work.

Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich is the newest OS and should work properly out of the box as far as usb is concerned. Usb is built into the language. It is just a matter of making sure, like I mentioned before, to have all of your steps correct from step 1. Start from scratch if you have to to get the things you want working working.

It is a learning process, but once you understand the basics, it really is simple how this programming allows you to do things with your Android.

Good luck, and always, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
