Anyone going to CES in Las Vegas next month?


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
With so many unanswered or unclear questions I am wondering if there are any of us that will be attending CES in January in Las Vegas, and if they are, would they be open to stopping by a specific vendor to ask specific questions?

Example, we have a lot of questions about Huawei S7 OS direction and decisions, perhaps someone that will be at the show will be willing to stop by their booth to talk to one of the engineers about it?

Another example, would someone be interested in talking with Samsung to find out about the update for the Captivate Galaxy X they have been promised?

OR Viewsonic's promised update for native Flash support?

I am hoping for the following; 1)a list of people that will be attending and will ask these questions to report back here and 2) a list of questions that we want answered.

Anyone have any thoughts?
I'm not going, but I do want to ask what's the next big thing will we expecting to see this coming year in 2011.
Well, Gartner released a report last month that predicted an 850% increase in the volume of purchase transactions from Smartphones and Tablets, so I would predict a lot of eCom type tools