Archos 70 - Upgraded to 2.2 and Neocore Benchmark Result Tanks


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010
I am benchmarking the Archos 70. The shipped unit came with 2.1 and Neocore consistently produce 37fps score. Now that I upgraded to 2.2, the score has dropped significantly to around 2.6fps. In addition, I used Softweg Benchmark and the GPU score also dropped from about 535 to 367.

However when I tested it with 3D games, it seems to work fine. so it does not appear that performance suffers although the UI feels a little sluggish.

Am I the only one experiencing this issue? Curious what others are experiencing.
Which firmware are you running? There was the 2.0.71 performance improvement and control added. I also know the default Optimal on 2.0.71 plays havoc on performance testers. If you run it in the "overdrive" (Poor name actual CPU GHz rating) You get better testing results but not the same as the "optimal"
Which firmware are you running? There was the 2.0.71 performance improvement and control added. I also know the default Optimal on 2.0.71 plays havoc on performance testers. If you run it in the "overdrive" (Poor name actual CPU GHz rating) You get better testing results but not the same as the "optimal"

Negative. I tried it with "overdrive" and still get the poor performance. Not good. Any else experiencing this?
Sorry to bump this thread, but I have recently purchased the same tablet; and I'm getting terrible Neocore benchmark results.

Terrible as in 0.3fps...

Has any solution been found regarding this?
Haven't tried neocore, but my nenamark is pretty decent, and my quadrant hangs between 1400 and 1500.

Otherwise my performance is amazing running turbofly 3d (really fun hovercraft style racing game).

Haven't tried any of the gameloft games yet.
Our limitations are the fact that were underclocked to 800 mhz and our 256 ram.

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I have asked Archos to comment on the reduced performance so I will let everyone know if I hear back from them.

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