Archos 70


Oct 29, 2010
I received a tweet that the Archos 70 8GB was available on I just placed my order, we will see how long it is before I get it.
Be sure to post up when you receive it. Will be interesting to see how long it takes them to ship it to you.
Man everything is coming out now. Comp is gonna be fierced for Nov. First the Viewsonic G Pad (tegra issues though) and now this. And still the Galaxy S and Elocity A7 coming.

OOOOOOWEEEEEE! Now I'm not too sure what I want. I read Flash is not running on the Tegra 2 yet (HUGE BUMMER). Now it's time to play the decision game.
I'm SERIOUSLY considering the 70. Has pretty much everything I want, plus a known mfr, so should be decent support, and a big user community as well. But it all depends on what else gets released over the next few weeks. I'm not going to make a final decision until then.
because it went unavailable mid-day, I didn't get my order in until about 9:00EST last night. I added overnight shipping, so here's hoping to Friday.

Still have yet to receive my tracking info from UPS, however.
Hi - I understand there is something like a coupon you can use to get the this correct?
I didn't use a coupon, I just received the discount automatically which offset the overnight shipping. It's a win-win in my book.
Yeah, they give you $27.50 off when you're going through checkout automatically. I too, took this as free overnight shipping.

I just hope it arrives tomorrow, still no UPS email.

How long did it take from your Archo order confirmation to receiving the UPS email with tracking info?
Ugggg I can't set still!. My a70 is out for delivery. Im out In the boonies so its always after 3 or so before they get to me. Ill have it today though!!!!
Picked mine up from the apartment office at lunch today and it's at home charging now. So I ordered Tuesday and received it today. I received the confirmation email Tuesday evening.
My question is it Android 2.1 or 2.2. The Archos units I have glimpsed still are 2.1. And the tech details show it 2.1. Is this correct.
ah well, Still waiting for my 101. Only 3 weeks to go according to my last notification.

Glad you have it though. This is good news.