AuGen releases 10.2" version of Gentouch78 but not as Tablet but as GenBook108.


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010
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This is doesn't make sense! One would think they would as the market is growing in tablets now! Why make another netbook?
What they should have done was to make 10.2" version for Gentouch78 touchscreen and watch that fly off the shelves at Sears & Kmart).
The inventory control for both companies is one of the worst I've seen in retail market. If supply on demand is low? Wouldn't you think to
order more units then to tell customers, sorry we're still out at the warehouse level.
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I kinda agree.. but it's not that huge of a step from one to the other.. I iniatially bought the GT as a segway device to see if my kids might want something like this for xmas.. my eldest said she'd like the device even better if it were the net book design... i guess people are just hooked on a physical keyboard.. Augen screwed them selves IMO by not including a mic to take advantage of Androids voice to text capabilites... that would have SERIOUSLY enhanced the user experience as entering text on this thing is triffling at best.. even with the screen calibration and taking advantage of a predictive keyboard app (i.e. Siftkey keyboard) it's a bear enter anything longer than a reply to messages on Yahoo IM.. i've tried to do posts here with it and it just doesn't work out that well...
I kinda agree.. but it's not that huge of a step from one to the other.. I iniatially bought the GT as a segway device to see if my kids might want something like this for xmas.. my eldest said she'd like the device even better if it were the net book design... i guess people are just hooked on a physical keyboard.. Augen screwed them selves IMO by not including a mic to take advantage of Androids voice to text capabilites... that would have SERIOUSLY enhanced the user experience as entering text on this thing is triffling at best.. even with the screen calibration and taking advantage of a predictive keyboard app (i.e. Siftkey keyboard) it's a bear enter anything longer than a reply to messages on Yahoo IM.. i've tried to do posts here with it and it just doesn't work out that well...

I know what you mean. What are your plans with the GT78? Are you going to return it back to Kmart as so many have done before you? I would like to see some hope from this company but I look at this device and compare it to my flytouch tablet as that has that mic, cam/video cam, rotate, 3G except for the CPU being only 350MHz even if Rooted still over haul is 371 where as the GT78 is over 600 points. But I use that one more than I use the GT78. Besides these I have 2x netbooks, 5x laptops, 3x desktops all active. I do have more but those are not active. Can't run so much uses so much electric and the bill OH BOY! 2x Netbook I got them on a good deal end of 2009. I really don't use them that much. I am more on the desktop. When I travel I use the netbook prior was the big 15.6 to 17.3" laptop. Right now I type most of my post on the desktop quad cord on 23" HD 1080p monitor can't live without that. Though the 7" flytouch is light and does respond to my touches. Where as the GT78 seems to be touchy some times. What I don't like about the GT78 is the microSDHC slot I have to take my time removing and inserting it without it falling inside the device. My panel on the GT78 seems to have backlight showing showing because of the plastic panel cover is not sticking where it should be. Flytouch is the same way the plastic cover is lifting. But see with that unit I can fix that. As-is unit the Gentouch is under warranty but still how long is it going to hold up in time. So many users are dropping them on the floor and the panel gets cracked. If you drop a netbook or laptop on the first get go you might be lucky with it not breaking. I've drop the GT78 already and nothing happen to it. I got to make sure it's not going to fall.

Right now GT78 is heavy and you said your kids would one a netbook, they maybe right!
LOL... Yeah i'll prob take it back.. it's alright.. but i guess I'm kida spoiled with my Droid... pretty much the same specs in hardware but the droid is way more responsive.. and i'm not meaning necessarily the touch screen, i know there's a huge difference between resistive and capacitive screens, the os a a whole seems to lagg on the GT ... i was really hoping the dev community would embrace the device more then it has.. and with augen anouncing it's new line coming the first of the yr.. i think they'll soon drop future update support for the GT-78... to telll the truth the next gen Archos7 that's coming out next month is in my price range of what i originally was looking toward forking out for a Android tablet and the hardware sounds to be spot on... so i'll prob go with that for myself and let the kiddies fight over the laptop i

if i do take it back i'll clear my personal data and post a zip of my nandroid back up.... would anyone be interested in that?
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They did have an earlier ARM based netbook, but it was only 400MHz (IIRC) and reputedly pretty slow and useless... there's a review of it kicking around the web that I found while looking for GT info back in July on one of the bigger gadget sites... Android was a BAD choice w/no touchscreen. Should've gone hdd + linux + ARM, so it'd at least be semi-useful.
LOL... Yeah i'll prob take it back.. it's alright.. but i guess I'm kida spoiled with my Droid... pretty much the same specs in hardware but the droid is way more responsive.. and i'm not meaning necessarily the touch screen, i know there's a huge difference between resistive and capacitive screens, the os a a whole seems to lagg on the GT ... i was really hoping the dev community would embrace the device more then it has.. and with augen anouncing it's new line coming the first of the yr.. i think they'll soon drop future update support for the GT-78... to telll the truth the next gen Archos7 that's coming out next month is in my price range of what i originally was looking toward forking out for a Android tablet and the hardware sounds to be spot on... so i'll prob go with that for myself and let the kiddies fight over the laptop i

if i do take it back i'll clear my personal data and post a zip of my nandroid back up.... would anyone be interested in that?

Just have to delete the account.db file
Then blow out the ROM with the prior one from Augen.
Then do a factory reset again.
Clean it up nice
Use sticky tape to remove any pet or human hair off the leather like case inner material
Pack it backup and take it to your friendly Kmart store.