Best file manager app for network file sharing


Apr 22, 2011
Hi all
Just want to see what app others are using for file sharing over their network?

I was using ES file manager but was having issues seeing all my files and now I can't even seem to access my main desktop PC. Even though it is set up correctly etc


Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Samba works awesome for wirelessly accessing your NC's SD Card, it just treats it as a network drive.
I use dropbox. For just moving individual files, I use awesome drop

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Thanks everyone. I ended up getting ES File manager to work (so embarassed, I failed to enable in the firewall exceptions allow 'wireless devices', now it works fine.

I will have a look at some of these, I actually use dropbox atm.

thanks again :)
I also vote for Samba.
Is Samba easy to set up. I am using myphoneexplorer but it seems a little awkward to me.

Do you load a Samba app on the Nook and software on your PC or is it just on the Nook? Does Samba allow the move of an entire folder and sub folders?
Is Samba easy to set up. I am using myphoneexplorer but it seems a little awkward to me.

Do you load a Samba app on the Nook and software on your PC or is it just on the Nook? Does Samba allow the move of an entire folder and sub folders?

Install the app on your NC...OPen the menu and click enable...then on your pc you would use Windows Explorer to find \\android

then you should see a share for sdcard, and you open it, map it, etc. like any other network shared folder.

When I am done with my file transfers, I simply disable Samba in the menu (to save battery life)...but when i enable it again, since I have it mapped as my Z: drive, it pops right back on my PC.

I also use dropbox, especially for moving screen shots and such, but for big files, I just fire up Samba.