Best tablet for reading magazines?


Junior Member
May 1, 2014
I want to buy a 9-10 inch tablet almost solely for reading magazines which I have as individual jpeg pages. I may also watch some movies or TV shows. The iPad does this but you pay for features that I don't want and its iTunes focus annoys me, even as a long-term Mac user.
I want to be able to read from a USB stick and to load files directly onto the tablet. I want to be able to read a magazine by swiping the screen to move from one page to the next (unless there's a better way). I don't need wireless connectivity but it's not a problem if it's there. 16GB storage is probably ample.
The Nexus 10 looks good and is well priced but, even after reading its user manual, I know nothing about how it handles magazines. Its high-res display is ideal for me - I'm 77 and my sight isn't what it used to be. Rumours of the Android Silver are interesting but it will be more expensive and it's not likely to improve the basic elements that interest me.
I'm not at all familiar with the Android OS but I assume that I can find good quality apps for magazine reading and .mp4 viewing? Is there any reason why the Nexus 10 would not satisfy my needs?
Hi audax, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. I myself can't think of any reason the Nexus 10 would not satisfy your needs, but someone there might have a better suggestion. Good luck!
While it's no longer the latest or the greatest Android tablet out there, the Nexus 10 is available on eBay for just $270. For your money, you're getting what was state-of-the-art in late 2012: An Exynos 5 dual, with front facing speakers and one of the best screens you'll see on a tablet. And direct support from Google, at least until the line gets discontinued.
What about these specific issues:

I want to be able to read from a USB stick and to load files directly onto the tablet. I want to be able to read a magazine by swiping the screen to move from one page to the next (unless there's a better way).

My nexus 7 came with an app called Play Newsstand and I'm guessing the Nexus 10 will also come with it. I tried it on a sample of Popular Science and it paged from article to article by flipping pages the way you want. Within an article however it scrolled up from page to page. I don't know if that's the way it behaves with all magazines or not. If the way it behaves isn't to your liking, there are lots of free reader apps on the market.

Regarding reading from a memory stick, I'm not too crazy about that idea. Sounds like a good way to do a lot of damage to both the memory stick and the tablet if it slips out of your hand or you fall asleep while reading etc. A slight bump to the memory stick could break it off or break the socket out of the tablet. While it would be possible to read from it while it's plugged in, I'd suggest you copy the magazine to the tablet and delete it when done.
Thanks for that info Spider. I use a 32GB memory stick for watching TV episodes on my Sony SX-910 portable DVD player and its fine but, of course, the player has no storage. Your advice is well taken.

Thanks for the thought on the Ainol Numy - it's not much cheaper than the Nexus in Australia and the screen resolution is nowhere near as good. I'll go for the Nexus and start my Android education.