Coby 7015 post-update feedback?


Nov 14, 2010
So does anyone have feedback on the Coby 7015 update and whether it addressed all or most of it's issues? The issues I observed were frequent pauses in response, weak wifi reception and needing reset after it was unused for a while.

Just looking to see if anyone has some feedback on the update.

The reset issue is gone on mine after the update, as is a problem I had that after putting it in standby it would wake up randomly, draining the battery faster. WiFi does not seem improved. It still a bit spotty on mine, but not that bad. I might have to turn WiFi off and then back on every now and then, but nothing serious. I have not noticed any other improvements, but then again, those were the only really important issues I had to begin with, apart from some apps incompatibility.
I have noticed since updating that the sensor for the racing game is not backwards as it was before the update.
I just wanted to add that I picked up another 7015 this week and did the update and it seems to be much more stable. I've had a couple things freeze or fc on me but not too bad. I have rooted it and installed the Android Market, etc, and everything seems great. My theory is to use this one to get me by for a few months until the market starts to mature and I can afford a better unit. After testing a variety of units, for me personally, the 7" device is perfect. The 10" devices were just too big and I feel like I have good functionality, an adequate screen size and I feel like I'm holding a book with the 7" device. Just MHO.
I'm a super noob when it comes to tablets and I've searched for a step by step post on how to update. Any help would be appreciated!!!
