Dreading the decision I made to buy it help


Sep 21, 2011
Ok so I bought an chinese version of an android tablet it's a MID or something and I was told that you can hack it or root it or something to make it run the american android stuff. So I need stupid instructions on how to do that. I say stupid because I'm stupid when it comes to this stuff so I need a break down of it if that's possible or a link to go to show me. I really don't want to send this back to china and I don't want to toss it through a window either. So please please help.
Ok so I bought an chinese version of an android tablet it's a MID or something and I was told that you can hack it or root it or something to make it run the american android stuff. So I need stupid instructions on how to do that. I say stupid because I'm stupid when it comes to this stuff so I need a break down of it if that's possible or a link to go to show me. I really don't want to send this back to china and I don't want to toss it through a window either. So please please help.

There's LOTS of help available here, but you might need to provide a bit more info - what was it advertised as (name, perhaps, in addition to MID - which means simply "mobile internet device"), what shows up when you go to Settings, and then About Device, etc.

When you can give us more info, someone can direct you to the proper forum here. Welcome!
Google Android 2.2 Tablet PC this is what it says that it is

OK - that's step 1, but if you actually do Google that phrase, you get so many choices it doesn't help. Who did you buy it from? If it was an online purchase, or even through a brick-and-mortar store, can you point us to a web site with the info for the tablet?

Please go to Settings > About Device and tell us what that page says (Model number, Android version, Kernel version, Build number. For instance, here are the settings for my Flytouch 3:
Model number: P041
Android version: 2.2 V2.6#4402
Kernel version: root@localhost #48
Build number: FRF85B
Ok found it
Model: wondermedia wm8650
Android version 2.2
Kernel Ver
Build generic-eng2.2 froyo ver 1.51-20110708.045253
Now that you know what you have you might want to post in the Wonder Media forum