email setup problem

Non-gmail - I had problems as well and it took me far too long to work out what was going wrong.

During set up of my pop mail the user name was being defaulted from the email address with the full ''. If you've not take it off, try it. It worked for me.. :)

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Non-gmail - I had problems as well and it took me far too long to work out what was going wrong.

During set up of my pop mail the user name was being defaulted from the email address with the full ''. If you've not take it off, try it. It worked for me.. :)

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Right, when its asking for the Username, its only asking for the first part of the email address, not the
Asfar as what type of address it is.. Some email servers have different ports setup for incoming & outgoing, some might require SMTP auth or SSL, & that would need to be manually configured.
I'm also having problems using the stock email app. Trying to setup a pop3 account using ssl auth and it seems to like the incoming server settings and then after I configure the outgoing server settings it fails with message of "non-supported authentication" even though I'm not using auth for outgoing mail. I got it to work using K9 mail, but I like the functionality of the stock app. Anyone else run into this issue?
I'm also having problems using the stock email app. Trying to setup a pop3 account using ssl auth and it seems to like the incoming server settings and then after I configure the outgoing server settings it fails with message of "non-supported authentication" even though I'm not using auth for outgoing mail. I got it to work using K9 mail, but I like the functionality of the stock app. Anyone else run into this issue?

If you got it working with K-9, I can't see any reason to go back to stock.
K-9 is based on stock, bit is so far ahead of it that its pointless to use Stock.

But if you want to you can note all your settings from K-9 and transfer them into stock.

Almost nobody supports in-secure sending via SMTP anymore, They all want it done via SSL or TLS.
If you use either of these simply select password or login or the simplest method.
Try unchecking Requires Sign-in and try that as well.

If this pop server is from your own ISP, and if you get away with unchecking requires login you will
probably find it fails anywhere else but home. Once you are on some other network you will
have problems. So I would bite the bullet and find out how to configure Secure Access (SSL/TLS) with
this server ahead of time. It will then work from anywhere.

If your provider supports IMAP by all means use that instead of pop3. In this mobile age, you
should be running away from Pop just as fast as you can. You have an Android machine, and android
runs best with Gmail. Why not have Gmail pull your pop mail and put it in a special folder?
It will do that perfectly, and even allow you to set it up so that the people you correspond with
will never know your real Gmail address.

The settings I used to get it working in K9 are the same as what I tried in the stock app, which are the same as I use on a windows-based client as well as my IPAD, just no joy on my a500. So far haven't been too impressed with K9, it works but I feel the stock app wins, IMO. I was thinking either the pop server or the outgoing server were to blame but with it working everywhere else I've gotta blame the stock client.

Might give it a try having gmail pull my pop mail, thanks for the suggestion.