Fully Featured Honeycomb ROM for Your Nook Color!


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

For the Nook Color users that have been itching to try out Honeycomb on your device, the folks over at XDA Developers have just released a 'new' new ROM. Yesterday, they released one that was missing sound and SD card storage capabilities, but today they released another one with a fix for both issues. In fact, the only feature it is missing now is Root access. I'm sure they are working on that one too, but you can still get there fully working version to try out. It's pretty impressive how quickly they cranked it out, since the Honeycomb SDK was released not that long ago. Here is the download link, or you can click the XDA source link. Be sure to let everyone know what you think of Honeycomb in the forums!

For more discussions on the Nook Color, check out: Nook Color Technical
Source: XDA Developers
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if everything is sorted doesn't this make the NC one of the better single core tablets out there? even compared to some of the newer tabs coming out (e.g. droppad, wits 81x, etc...)?

-OMAP Cortex A8
-512 ram
-8gb internal (up to 32gb external)
-capacitive touch screen

+ working Android 3.0

...and please correct my newbness... this means that you have a tablet that is capably spec'd running an os that is optimized/designed for tablets? and stable(?)... only thing would be the amount of apps, etc.. available for 3.0 at the moment?

i know it doesn't have hdmi out or gps, but then they don't seem to be 'standard' on many of tablets out there....
if everything is sorted doesn't this make the NC one of the better single core tablets out there? even compared to some of the newer tabs coming out (e.g. droppad, wits 81x, etc...)?

-OMAP Cortex A8
-512 ram
-8gb internal (up to 32gb external)
-capacitive touch screen
-foxconn quality

+ working Android 3.0

...and please correct my newbness... this means that you have a tablet that is capably spec'd running an os that is optimized/designed for tablets? and stable(?)... only thing would be the amount of apps, etc.. available for 3.0 at the moment?

i know it doesn't have hdmi out or gps, but then they don't seem to be 'standard' on many of tablets out there....
Except for the fact that the processor is only 800mhz, yes. But for $250, it's a great deal.
i thought those processors could be overclocked(?)

With root access (which might not be necessary, I don't remember) it is. I have a custom kernel allowing me to OC to 1.1ghz. I'm waiting on a Gingerbread with root before I try it out. But yes, it is an awesome tablet thus far.
With root access (which might not be necessary, I don't remember) it is. I have a custom kernel allowing me to OC to 1.1ghz. I'm waiting on a Gingerbread with root before I try it out. But yes, it is an awesome tablet thus far.

How hard was it to install a custom ROM on your nook? Are you running 2.2?
I just put Honeycomb on my Nook Color. It's pretty cool getting to play with it. When they have it ready to install on the device I will switch to it. It was actually really easy to install.
How hard was it to install a custom ROM on your nook? Are you running 2.2?

Once rooted, I installed Clockwork ROM (used instructions here) and simply downloaded the zip to my PC, put it on my Sd card, and installed it via CWR. Very easy. I of course did a backup before installing the new ROM just in case, but haven't had any problems at all. Almost a week now - no Force closes or anything.
Has anyone else tried this? I've saw a few posts and videos on the xda forms about some of the devs working on it but there is still alot missing.

"the new OS makes the device laggy, with tons of features missing (including camera and 3D acceleration)" or market (From the xda forms)