Get A23 Screen To Work (Without Mouse)


Senior Member
Aug 24, 2018
Hi again,
I don't know if I reported this before, but I discovered that the touch screen issue only exists when the system is up and running. It does not exist in recovery mode, i.e. the touch screen works in recovery but not when the system is fully loaded.
I also found that a mouse, attached to the usb port, works when the system is up and running. This means that I can do everything, using the mouse, that I was able to do before the touch screen stopped working; which, to me, suggests that the problem is software related.
One, online site, suggested that one possible reason for the screen not working, could be a virus. However, I have not been able to find an antivirus software that I can download and install, that works on this system.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Here are the system specs:
Processor: dual core A23
Model number: Q8H
Android Version: 4.2.2
Firmware Version: 2.0.8
Kernel Version: 3.4.39 android 10@Linux2 #304
Wednesday March 26 18:37:10 CST 2014
Build Number: polaris_eng 4.2.2 JDQ39 201 40326 test-keys
....... john
Is that a stock ROM you have on your device? Stock ROMs should not be using test keys, which is why I'm asking.
Hi Traveller,
I'm not sure if it's stock or not. I have a couple of tablets here, and I'm not sure if I changed the Allwinner or not. I can't say for sure. But it ran for a year or two, before the the touch screen problem showed up. I did root it (with Kingo) at one time, and overclocked it, but again, had no problems. I just recently removed the Kingo root, in the hope that it might be the problem, but nothing changed.
Thanks for replying.
........... john
It could very well be the manufacturer not bothering to create their own keys. It does happen, and it really shouldn't as from personal experience creating a signing key is a trivial matter.

Given the touchscreen works in recovery, I'm inclined to agree that it's a software issue. But that goes back to the original question of whether these tablets are on stock ROMs or not. In the old Coby Gen 3 tablet I had, the custom ROM I used initially had an issue with the touchscreen where touches would register on the opposite side of the screen from where you touched. Basically, the touchscreen's X / Y axes were reversed. Replacing parts of the custom ROM with those from the stock ROM resolved the issue.

I would see if you can find the stock ROM for download and try restoring the tablets using it. Sadly however, most manufacturers of inexpensive tablets don't bother making their ROM images available, and you may be SOL here.
Hi Traveller,
Thanks again for your help. At one time I tried to find the stock ROM; but as you so aptly put it, I was SOL.
Is there any possibility that another ROM might work?
If not, is there ANYTHING, ANYTHING I can with this thing, convert it into something, I have no idea what, or ??? Or am I just stuck with a useless device?
....... john
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Honestly, the best thing you can do is sell them for parts. Android 4.2.2 is nearly a decade out of date, and in time Google Play Services will cease to work on it as Google raises the minimum Android version it will work on. Currently, Google Play Services requires Android 4.1 or later. Not to mention more and more Android apps requiring Android 5 or later.

New tablets with snappier processors and a more up-to-date OS can be found in WalMart's Onn brand. I'd get one of those and enjoy it for the next several years, whether WalMart chooses to update the OS or not.
Hi Traveller,
Thanks again for your advice. Well, it's probably not even going fetch anything for parts. Too bad. I liked it. I only used it for showing pictures, playing music and the occasional e-book. It was perfect for that. However, all is not lost; I have an even 'older', 'slower' Pandigital Novel that will do that, so ........
Take care,
...... john
P.S. You're the only person I've run across that will answer my questions:).
Hi Traveller,
One other thing, while I think of it. Is there a small ball mouse or touch pad that I can plug into the USB port (and maybe attach to the sides of the tablet, which would allow me to access the tablet? Presently I can use a mouse, but then I need a table top for it.
....... john
John, unfortunately trackball mice seem to be extinct. Cirque does make a touchpad. I have one nearly 30 years old from them that sees daily use as my standard mouse. It's small enough you could rest it on your knee.
Hi Traveller,
I bought another tablet today, at the local second hand store (Vallue Village); which is pretty much the same as the Allwinnner, but much more responsive. It's a DOPO Dual Power 7". I don't know if that means anything to you? It seems to be rooted (King Root).
I just wanted to let you know.
I'm wondering if I might be able to get the Allwinner screen to function using the software on the DOPO. What do you think? I apologize for not being able to gvie you the relevant information, since I don't know what information you might need to make that assessment.
..... john
The chances of you getting the software working on the faulty tablet are slim and none. The kernel for each Android device has to be individually tailored to the hardware, so while the screens may be identical the other components are not. Even if you could get the screen working, nothing else would work.