Gingerbread Keayboard


Dec 25, 2010
Gingerbread Keyboard
Use LCDdensity to set screen to 160 for best look.

Download Gingerbread keyboard Here

-Droid X Multitouch keyboard (multitouch does not work for S7)
-You have to remove LatinIME.apk from /system/apps before installing this keyboard

Download Droid X Keyboard Here
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The gingerbread keyboard is an enhancement to what is in 2.2.
Try using z4root as poncespr mentioned; I used z4root and it was a snap and LCDdensity worked like a champ.
Added Droid X keyboard, works very well.

I am getting pretty tired of the problems with the Huawei keyboard so I am continuing my search for something better. Droid X kb fits the bill for now.
I had to install busybox to have LcdChanger working with UniversalRoot

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
The best keyboard I have found is AnySoftKeyboard. The part I like the best is in the settings for the keyboard you can go in to tweaks and two of the options are to change the height of the keys in portrait and landscape. I was able to use this to get the keys to the perfect size for my fingers. This has made typing on the tablet so much easier for me.
Can somebody here please send me the original latinime.apk file? I stupidly didn't back it up when I deleted it. thanks..