Got a new tab, but SIM contacts arent registering


Nov 29, 2010
Hi there,

Just got myself a new Galaxy tab (and found this forum whilst googling for info) and i am using an old/current phone SIM (with 3G data plan).

When using contacts and txt msgs it doesnt recognise any contact info on my sim, so numbers just appear with no only finds my Gmail contacts. Is there some way that i can get it to look at both as not all my SIM contacts on in my google a/c. Or is there an easy way of synching them?

Cheers for any help,
Dean :)
Here is one possibility Google contacts and SIM card sync if you dont want to do it that way hopefully it will let you know there are possibilities out there you just have to look for them. I would out all of my contacts on my gmail that way there will never be an issue again but thats just my opinion
G'day Deano
mate I was the same and getting a bit freaked out by the complex suggestions made by the tech heads but
the simple solution is
  1. go to
  2. Applications on home screen, then
  3. contacts, then when that is open select
  4. menu (FIRST BUTTON TO LEFT OF HOME BUTTON) then click on
  5. import/export contacts
  6. click and you are done
too easy when you know how so hope this helps you and some other galaxy tab newbies like me

G'day Deano
mate I was the same and getting a bit freaked out by the complex suggestions made by the tech heads but

the simple solution is
  1. go to
  2. Applications on home screen, then
  3. contacts, then when that is open select
  4. menu (FIRST BUTTON TO LEFT OF HOME BUTTON) then click on
  5. import/export contacts
  6. click and you are done
too easy when you know how so hope this helps you and some other galaxy tab newbies like me


Hi Coxy,
Yeah thanks for this - i did actually find it myself when playing .......thought it was going to be a lot more complicated than it was, especailly when it was saying "copy to phone" as dont really consider it to be a phone :)

Cheers for the help though mate,