Hi folks!


Jan 28, 2011
Hi! I'm new to this forum. Last year, I gave my iPad to my son because his laptop died. I had planned to replace with a Xoom. After seeing the prerelease price I've decided to look at options. I have a Droid with a number of paid apps so an Android device seems logical.

Primary need -- when we travel my wife uses my MacBookPro so I need a device. Currently, due to the cost, I'm leading toward the Nook. I realize it is not Android but if I understand correctly it does come with a beta Web browser.
Thoughts or suggestions are welcomed.

A Nook IS Android. It runs the Android OS, and with a few tweaks can function as a complete Android Tablet.
Thanks for the clarification, Pbrauer. I had not realized Nook ran on Android. I've been reading the Nook root sections and tutorials. Great job! After reading these threads I'm having a hard time justifying spending more to get the Xoom.

I'm a big fan of Android and rooted my Droid as soon as I purchased it.
