Huawei S7 Isn't Really GPL Compliant Yet is it?


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
Compared to other manufacturers like HTC and Motorola, Huawei is just releasing kernel source code.

Isn't there other components licensed by the GPL they have not yet released such as the wifi driver, and webkit?
Most likely; but they probably haven't received enough flak to care, kernel would give them the most but the problem is, they haven't even released all their kernel code.
A lot of companies are scared about releasing code, for some reason they seem to think that is where all their money lays.

Its completely against GPL to do so, but yea..

This is where reverse engineering comes in, until something with enough pressure comes to force them to release everything.
We are stuck with "discovery" of how their components work.
The nice thing is; its a nice catch 22 for us.
We discover more then what they want by reverse engineering components.
such as the discovery of things they have prevented users doing; of which the hardware is capable of doing.
and its all at a loss to them; as they can't really go against us for finding it; as they aren't following GPL in the first place under which the kernel and thus its modules are under.
True, you can have what's called a tainted kernel and thus non-gpl parts inside it, but from what i know, the licensing that Android enacts, prevents this.

If they care about us or anyone reverse engineering their components, they then have to fight over the fact they haven't adequately released parts by law required.

Its a niche that we can use for our own comfort.

Although, it would make our life a lot easier if there were the required parts released.

Once we have discovered all components (i.e. fully identified),
We can start to write replacement kernels for it, and then once we have the boot loader under our thumbs, we can start actually implementing replacement images with sexy updated and optimized kernels.

Also, if we discover the hardware components completely; then we can always look at finding if other companies have released the source for them, i.e. wireless modules etc :)
Time to bug them about Froyo kernel and wifi sources :D
2.2.2 sources are not up yet, and it has been 3 weeks. Might want to bug them a little...