I come from Slatedroid! I am here to inform about my wiki


Aug 9, 2010
Greeting to all!

My quest is that I come from slatedroid forums and to inform you of my awesome wiki!

Augen Gentouch - Wiki

I update it daily/hourly so things may change drastically in a day or so

it is the most informed wiki about the augen gentouch! Everything you need to know is there!:cool:
Yep am a member of that site also. That has a lot of good info about the device. That might have a short life, if AuGen goes ahead a releases a brand new GenTouch and GenBook because of the scandal that was created over Google OS and apps.
I don't think the Google apps is going to halt the product. Augen said they were working on a solution to Google apps, so I do think they have more coming.

As for the Wiki, can't we all just contribute to the wikispace one being maintained by xda members? I'm a member of Slatedroid, but their servers have not been that reliable.
Time for network refresh over their then to solve those server issues.
You have it listed that the device doesn't charge via the USB cable. Mine definitely does charge through the USB.
When you say charge from USB? Are you saying from PC USB to the G78 or AC USB to G78? DC USB to G78 in the car.
I have installed the Patch and even though the device says it is charging from USB it really doesn't. I have tried plugging USB to a powered hub, and a car charger. Looking at the battery monitor shows the drain is slower than without USB but still loosing volts on the battery.
My battery doesn't last more than a few hours as well. I don't think it is truly 2100mAhs. The device needs a hibernation mode as the manual suggests and an airplane mode to turn off the radio.
I don't think the Google apps is going to halt the product. Augen said they were working on a solution to Google apps, so I do think they have more coming.

As for the Wiki, can't we all just contribute to the wikispace one being maintained by xda members? I'm a member of Slatedroid, but their servers have not been that reliable.
well first of all: my wiki was made way before the xda wiki
second:the xda wiki is more for hacking and mine is for the typical general user
third: you can contribute to my wiki because mine has more general information about the device
Yeah.. when you look at the battery usage utility the biggest user of the battery is "Cell Standby"... always appears as 50% or better for battery's use....