I need opinions on whether to purchase android tablet or ipad


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2014
Hi, I am a newbie to this site, and I do not know very much about computers. I would like advice or opinions what to purchase that is extremely easy to use and be able to help me get through my daily life easier. Let me explain. We have a PC in our apartment, and I have over 8000 songs in my iTunes library. My ipod broke. I am very hard of hearing, and I suffer terribly from PTSD while in the Marine Corps. I have terrible short term and long term memory loss, and have to write everything down on paper what to do each day, or I forget. Ipod is too small for me to read throughout the day. I need to use a stylus to write on the screen. Have clumbiness with keyboard or touch screen. The main problem is I need to listen to music all the time to keep me relaxed. I can't now. Please give me advise on what to buy that would be the easiest for me to download on my music, be able to write myself notes, names, numbers, and a screen I can draw on. What the best Brand would be. I have about 40 gigs of music alone. Thank you very much everyone.:)
Welcome to the forum

Samsung has a new tablet that's 12.2" (here) and you can sync your iTunes music to the Google cloud and it will be available on the tablet. 20,000 files would be free. You probably won't have an easy time of trying to store all that music on the tablet but you can "pin" selected music to listen to off line. There are tons of free note taking apps on the Google Store. You may just need to see which suits you best.
I know Ipads are very expensive, and can't afford one big enough to hold all my music. I do not understand the Cloud thing. My concentration is very bad. Maybe the VA would help me with this. I see the android tablets are a lot cheaper. Thank you for your advice. I'm hoping some more members will give me their input too. Kevin
Hi kevndeb, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so more folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!