Need opinion on gift idea..


Dec 16, 2010
Hi there, this is my first post here.. so please bear with me.

I recently got into the tablet hype a couple of weeks ago! My first and only tablet is a Viewsonic G Tablet running on TnT Lite 2.4.0 full Adobe Flash and Market. I am loving it so far.. in fact I'm using it right now from work via adhoc wifi!

[Q] I have a sister who I showed my tablet to this week(Monday) and she loved it and now wants one. Her birthday is this Sunday and I was hoping on just giving her some money, but looks like I'll need to give her a tablet instead. I have been looking at some tablets for around $200 for her and would like some personal opinions over my selection or ideas on other possible selections. Also they have to be purchasable in store, because of the time constraint.
The candidates are:
Colby Kyros 7"
Velocity [Micro] Cruz 7"
Silvania 7" MID
Archos 70

I plan on rooting them and if possibly flashing them for her. As I am not familiar with the development on those tablets I do not know which one is best. She mainly wants it as an ebook reader, surf the web and possibly writing stuff on it at school. It has to have decent to good battery life too.
