ICS 4.0.3 recognizes NTFS


Jan 30, 2012
Much to my surprise I connected a powered 500GB USB external HD to the full USB port of my Acer Iconia A500 and ICS recognized the NTFS partition. I hadn't check this under HC 3.2.1, but remember being limited to FAT32 and 32 GB partitions under GB 2.3.3 (on an earlier tablet.)

I will be looking for more documentation, but is NTFS partition support part of the ICS standard ?

It will be nice to carry around a small 80-250 GB harddrive preloaded with my video files instead of having to swap 16GB or 32GB microSd cards.
NTFS was not supported in any of the 2.X versions. It is also not supported under HC 3.0 and 3.1. HC 3.2 (and 3.2.1) as well as 4.0 support it.
Thanks for the info. I only had HC 3.2 and 3.2.1 on my Acer A500 for a short time before upgrading to ICS 4.0.3. This will be nice as I can play a pile of videos from a powered USB HD.
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Thanks for the info. I only had HC 3.2 and 3.2.1 on my Acer A500 for a short time before upgrading to OCS 4.0.3. This will be nice as I can play a pile of videos from a powered USB HD.
Actually NTFS was support by HC 3.1, 3.2 & 3.2.1. And is obviously supported under ICS. I could read 2TB USB drives and write to them as well.
My Tablet Model #T01A, Android version 4.0.3 Baseband version 0.8.1 Kernel Version 3.0.8+ ... Can you help me to upgrade it to read NTFS?
How did you do it? I have a Table ICS 4.0.3 but doesn't read NTFS HDD and only read FAT32 up to 20GB... So I have my old HDD setup to several 20GB FAT32 partitions so I can play the Videos there.
This is built into the kernel, to see if your kernel supports ntfs or not. Either use adb or terminal.

Use this command

cat /proc/filesystems

This command will show you what filesystems your kernel supports, if ntfs isn't listed your kernel doesn't support it.
I know linux but i'm new to APAD / Android thing. How can I use adb or terminal? is something I can download from Android Market? O I use on my PC. Have the APAD connected to a WiFi and ssh to it? Need to do some research/digging on this.
Weird thing... I format my USB for NTFS and my APAD read it... Format my HD and partition it like my USB (NTFS and same Size) but the APAD still failed to read it :(