If you have the Patience, I have the Questions


Sep 29, 2011
I am looking for a tablet, for my wife. She is an avid reader, but as we get older, reading small type is getting impossible to deal with. I already bought an ereader (Aluratech libre pro) and we decided that it was not for her. The 5" screen is way too small once you enlarge the type. You end up having to change pages way to often, due to only having a few lines on the page. Also it does not do well in low light (a backlit screen would be needed). I have looked at a Kindle since then and even a 6" screen is still not acceptable. I have also looked at a 7" Android tablet and I feel it's just barely acceptable, but not the ticket. I then tried an iPad 2 and found it to be a great size for reading with enlarged font.

Soooo... I beileve that I am looking for a tablet with an 8" to 10" screen size. Its sole purpose will be for reading books, so my priority for a really good screen is highest over other features.

I am looking for:
1.- The highest resolution possible
2.- IPS screen if possible, (but I know it's not in the price range)
3.- Capacitive screen
4.- Stable, speed is not necessary in reading books (I believe), but stability is.
5.- SD Card slot
6.- Dirt cheap (Chinese Clone)

Now number 6 is really tough, because how can you have all the other wants and get "dirt cheap", you can't really, so I will have to compromise on features. $150 is my target price, $100 would be better on the ever tightening purse strings in this growing recession that we are facing.

I (Think) that I might need Android market, to be able to use the Kindle and B&N apps, as well as a good "generic" reader app. I know how to use Calibre and its plugins to make epub files so I don't necessarily need the Android Market (I guess?). I do not care about other apps as my wife will use this only for book reading.

Right now my limited knowledge would lead me to the Coby Kyros 10.1-Inch Android 2.3, 4 GB Internet Touchscreen Tablet, MID1125-4G. They seem popular, but it is not yet in the price range. I want to know if there are other tablets which might be less money, but still be dependable enough to use daily.

I don't want to get into a position where I have to work on (ROOT) a tablet, since I know nothing about that kind of tech stuff and I don't really want to learn new tricks (Old Dog).

Thanks for reading my long post and thanks for any helpful advice.
Look at the new kindle fire. It's going to fit the bill.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Actually no, it's not going to fit the bill. It's only a 7" screen and it's not going to have Android market, but just Amazon market and it's $200.
Nothing about it fits the bill for what I was asking, thanks anyhow.
Unfortunately, it seems that the Fire is the closest you will get for under $200. Everything else that has a large 9-10inch screen is over the $400 mark.

Here is my advice:

  • Amazon is due to release a 10-inch tablet later this year; following their pricing with the Fire, it may be significantly cheaper than other similar tablets currently on the market
  • Tegra 3 quad core tablets are also due to debut this year. With their introduction, current 10-inch, iPad-like tablets will probably receive price cuts
If neither works out for you, then I have to agree that the Fire will probably be the best, most affordable choice. You could try to find a demo unit at a local electronic store and see for yourself. Good luck.
Thanks for the info, if that is the only option I will pass on tablets. I don't care for anything Amazon. They're just like AT&T trying to put everyone else out of business. Just can't condone that kind of thing. Maybe in a year or two as more and more cheap tablets flood the marketplace to saturation, some of the 8" & 10" ones out there now will drop in price, since their "Android version" will be totally outdated and no one else will want them any more. That's all I can afford - Leftovers...
Based on your needs and price range your best bet is likely to wait a bit until current models drop down in price as you mentioned. It's inevitable that the tablets on sale now will eventually decrease in value as newer models hit the scene, but it still could be a bit of a waiting game. In all honesty you won't find much in the range of $200 for the specs you require, at least not at this point in time unless it's some sort of knock-off model, and with that comes a whole world of other issues you likely don't want to have to deal with, trust me on that.

There is a 10 inch Amazon tablet on the way but as you mentioned already this is not something you would consider buying, which is fair enough, to each their own. The only other tablet I can think of off the top of my head that's under $200 is the Andy Pad Pro, but unfortunately it only has a 7 inch screen plus it's not the type of screen display you're looking for. Plus it doesn't have an SD card slot, but it does come equipped with a microSD card slot if that helps.

For whatever it's worth try not to get too discouraged or give up on your quest to find a suitable tablet. I know it can seem discouraging at times but sooner or later you will find the right one and on top of that there are always people here who are willing to help you along the way, even after you make a purchase and have further questions.

Welcome to the forum by the way.
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Why not look into the Coby Tablets they have 7, 8 and 10 inch models. I have the 7015 and 7022(both 7inch) and they are great for the price especially after rooting.

The real problem appears to be what you want doesn't exist, currently. At least the way you would like it to.

However, don't despair.

Others have given good advice & suggestions and the only thing I can add is you are going to have to compromise on some of your wants/needs in order to achieve your "dream".

You say you don't want to Root whatever tablet you get, but Rooting is one of the most basic things any Android user can do... And should learn how to do to increase the value of whatever Android device they buy. It's as simple as clicking an app (Z4Root; Universal Androot), but the benefits are limitless.

Also, a Chinese knock off just might be the best for what you want because depending on where you buy it from, most are pretty stable out of the box and will do what you need a tablet to do:

-10" screen
-MicroSDcard slot
-Android Market

I also do not like cheap imports that hurt our already struggling economy, but when it comes to price/feature ratio... There is nothing on the U.S. market that does what you want it to do, currently.
I've got the oldest wifi version of the Nook. Screen is decent size. I don't find it hard to read even with fonts enlarged. Doesn't have a backlog screen, but you can get a case with a nice light that runs on AAA batteries. I get lithium ones and they last for weeks. I can load my own books in addition to buying b&n Books. It has a battery that can be replaced by the user. It's light even with the case. I also have a Galaxy 10.1 tablet and still prefer my Nook for reading. You might be able to get one pretty cheap since everyone's all about the Nook Color.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum