Looking for functional auto sync Contacts application


Jan 1, 2011
I'm very disappointed with the stock Contacts app.
Is there app that will work the same as Google contacts on my desire phone?
Import/sync all contacts, pictures, incl. address, phone ... from my gmail account

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I don't think you are going to find one...YET!

It appears that the gmail app for 2.2 has integrated contacts, so we shall see. "The dedicated Gmail application integrated with Contacts and Android applications."
I haven't played around on with it because it's on my wife's NC, but I downloaded Blitzer Google App from the Market and it syncs with Google mail. My wife's contact list isn't robust so I don't know how functional it is. However, it looks like it should work.
I haven't played around on with it because it's on my wife's NC, but I downloaded Blitzer Google App from the Market and it syncs with Google mail. My wife's contact list isn't robust so I don't know how functional it is. However, it looks like it should work.

I am not seeing the Blitzer app on the market...is it maybe called something else?
Okay...found a workaround...and it works incredibly well...

NookColor Making contacts work - nookDevs

It was incredibly easy to do, had a few hiccups with malformed contacts (I just pressed continue through those) but now when I use the gmail app to compose a new message, as I start to enter an email, it shows a list of contacts...just like it should.
Okay...found a workaround...and it works incredibly well...

NookColor Making contacts work - nookDevs

It was incredibly easy to do, had a few hiccups with malformed contacts (I just pressed continue through those) but now when I use the gmail app to compose a new message, as I start to enter an email, it shows a list of contacts...just like it should.

Thanks for the tip. But I could not find the app Contacts Import on the market or in Appplanet. Did you get the app?

Update: Just found it on Market by search for EDAM the author.
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OK just imported all my contacts via contact importer. I still have the same issue as I had before. My contacts only show email addresses. I have no option to show any other fields. Now I had synced the contacts with Google when I first rooted the NC. Was this a mistake> At this point contacts are basically useless. Any ideas?
Thanks for Bitzer guys...I am going to take a look at when I am done recovering my nook
Just used it to successfully import approximately 3000 google-apps-for-business contacts. All visible from the Bitzer tool now, though switching views between the two options (email or last-name) is quite slow (at least with a list this long) It also makes you log back in everytime, and then choose google apps, and then choose view, and then go through a long (for me) refresh session. That all needs to be papered over so it's transparent to the user in daily use. It's search however, is pretty darn good. Finds things by Company name, whether there are also first/lasts attached or not (whereas the stock nook app could no neither)

@Bobsilver: I think you're expecting it to update/fill-in the stock contacts app, which it doesn't seem to do. It seems (and anyone jump in and correct me if I'm wrong) do two things: Act as a half-decent stand alone contacts manager AND act as a bridge to email addresses in the To: field of the compose window of the gmail app.

I don't know yet if it provides similar integration with other email clients, but it does not appear to.

For that matter, despite it working in the Compose field for otehrs, it's not for me yet, even those it's clear that the import went well.
I suspect it is a matter of my having imported all the email addresses from my main repository, which is a google-apps-for-business, whereas the PRIMARY email associated with my Nook is a personal gmail account, which had to be used due to BN/google requiring/expecting an email address ending in gmail, which a google-apps-for-business account generally doesn't (being most often tied to a domain name, that being much of the purpose of such an account)

Anyway, that's a wild ass guess for why I'm not getting the same full functionality - as it's about the only thing unique-ish/unsual-ish on my Nook (a near stock rooted CWR'd 1.01)

@Bob: Anyway, Bob, check the list in the Bitzer app, and see if you can see all your imported addresses there, AND also, if they show up, as others have reported, in your gmail compose field too.

@everybody else: anyone else not getting the email addresses to show up in the To: field, even though you can see the full successful import in the Bitzer app?

If so, are you by any chance also running a google-apps-for-business account as your email source for Bitzer, but have your Nook associated with a different regular gmail account.

If not, are all of you successful folks running pointing Bitzer to your regular gmail account, which is also what you associated your nook with?


p.s. other contact tools I've used on my smartphone and have just added to the Nook (each of which has pros and cons, and I used for whatever functionality they each offer, until such time as a single good app comes out) include aContacts, Phonebook2.0, Contapps, Contact Lookup and StarContact. I think maybe 3 of the 5 to varying degrees are more phone/numeric-keypad focused than is perfect for a Nook, but each have some uses nonetheless -- Especially if you really have a lot of contacts and have them stuffed with a lot more data than just email and numbers.
Try them out. Also, on both the Nook and Epic, I often end up finding what I need using Aurora Universal Search. Great tool. If it had a dialer, I wouldn't even need a better contacts front-end.



I'm going to test a bit more Bitzer functionality, and some others, and report back. It's about time I contribute a bit instead of just mooching info (not that I won't also do that too ;)
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Boy oh boy talk about contributing is right. I am glad you made it over here you added more in one post than was in the whole thread before. I nominate you as the new contact expert. 3000 contacts is incredible.

Keep in mind everything that is going on with Nook is entirely new so you can expect the contacts issue to be sorted out eventually.
Bitzer Update.

So, about 30 minutes ago I wrote the folks at Bitzer saying thanks, and providing some feedback saying basically, Thanks, I really like it, but, it's too slow for large address books, and one really needs to be able to sort in more ways, or at least at a minimum, add "Company" to "Email" and "Last Name". I added that even those two limited improvements would likely made me a paid-app owner if they came before the same functionality otherwise becomes easily available, and that I was a NookColor user.

Now I'm going to have to put my money where my mouth is; within that 30 minutes, I've already received this nice, obviously not-completely-canned, email response which I'll share:

Hello Roger,

Thanks for your feedback. We will be releasing the next version by end of Feb and it will include following:

- Performance improvements for view refresh, search and sort
- New sort screen. This will allow you to sort the lists by any fields visible in the view.
- New search screen, this will be in addition to search present inside the view. It will allow you to search any fields available.
- Add/Update/Delete your google contacts.
- Upload pictures for Google contacts from the device.
- Google docs support. It will allow you to search and view your google docs.

We'll keep you posted.

Thanks and regards,

Ali Ahmed
Worth keeping an eye on, methinks.
Bitzer Update.

So, about 30 minutes ago I wrote the folks at Bitzer saying thanks, and providing some feedback saying basically, Thanks, I really like it, but, it's too slow for large address books, and one really needs to be able to sort in more ways, or at least at a minimum, add "Company" to "Email" and "Last Name". I added that even those two limited improvements would likely made me a paid-app owner if they came before the same functionality otherwise becomes easily available, and that I was a NookColor user.

Now I'm going to have to put my money where my mouth is; within that 30 minutes, I've already received this nice, obviously not-completely-canned, email response which I'll share:

Worth keeping an eye on, methinks.

Sweet, might make me a user as well.

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