my NC will not stay connected to interenet


Feb 13, 2011
I was playing with the nook and it will not stay connected. I have 2 wireless access points in my home one locked down and the other unlocked, my nieces come over a lot.

i first was using the NC on the dlink as its unlocked and was working ok for a few. THEN it dropped and dropped and well you get the point. I go and swap to the other wireless in my home and drop drop drop

what do i need to do here...
Could be alot of things...

-2 bad routers
-if rooted maybe try a different kernel

First I would try a third open internet connection like a barnes and nobles and see if that works. When the connection keeps dropping it is alot of the time a fried router antenna.

sent from my rooted nook color
You could also click on wireless settings and click on "forget" then reboot and then go back into setting and reconnect to connection

sent from my rooted nook color
i have a laptop that stays connected good and strong. Since its doing it with BOTH my routers i would find it HARD to believe they are both bad the moment i get my NC. there isnt any settings to look at. I just got the NC this afternoon. it just came off of its first charge...
Does it drop while awake or drop while asleep?

The NC will turn the wifi off when it does to sleep. Whn it wakes up, if you are a area with multiple wifi connections, it sometimes won't automatically pick the connection it was on.

There as an app to keep your wifi alive if it drops while asleep:
An option to keep wifi awake while the screen is off is to prevent the Nook from going into sleep mode. This can be done by using an app which will create a WakeLock. "WakeTimer" from the market will let you do this (as will media players still playing when you shut off the screen). When the Nook is first unlocked, the wifi symbol will initially be off even though it is still active. Pandora paused is probably just as effective.
Beware of impact on battery life.
it disconnects in mid use. was reading says 1.1 has a lil update to help wireless connectivity

drops says testing connection and boom nothing. i gotta hit button on side shut her down and reboot again
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it disconnects in mid use. was reading says 1.1 has a lil update to help wireless connectivity

drops says testing connection and boom nothing. i gotta hit button on side shut her down and reboot again

You mentioned in the other thread that you are running stock nook. You should definately try updating to 1.0.1 or 1.1 and see if that helps before trying to solve on stock nook running 1.0.0.
yeah i am gonna update it to 1.1 and see how it goes. working ot the bast 2 nights so i havnt been able to do to much...