Need shopping advice - includes feature wish list


Nov 24, 2010
Hi all,

I am trying to purchase a device for my boyfriend and I am just starting to explore the tablet option. In summary he is a radio fanatic and he loves to listen to the radio in his spare time.

I was thinking about trying to find a way to provide him with portable access to WiFi delivered XM radio (I have a primary subscription and just need to add on the $2.99/mo option to include the XM Radio Online). There are several ways to access XM Radio Online.

Browser Based access
  • Internet Connection: Broadband
  • Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz
  • Memory: Minimum 256 MB RAM, minimum 64 MB Video RAM
  • Operating System: Windows XP
  • Sound: Soundcard w/ speakers or headphones
  • Additional Software: Windows Media Player 10, Flash 7
  • Browser Compatibility: Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 1.0+, Netscape 7+ (Opera not supported); cookies must be enabled

Android Application
Unsure of specifics but I think they offer version 1.1 and 2.2

How can I be sure which tablet devices would be able to connect to XM using one of these options?

Other things I would want for this device would include:

  • Portable Speaker Dock with both AC and DC power options
  • 5" Screen Size or smaller (I want this as portable as possible)
  • SD or Mini SD card
  • USB
  • Line Out
  • WiFi Access within any hotspot
I definitely do NOT want the device to be a phone.

I have been reading that the Archos 5 Android includes a regular FM radio receiver, which seems ideal because it could access standard radio when portable (walking or not connected to WiFi) and he could access XM radio when connected to WiFi. But I need to be sure that the Archos 5.0 is actually compatible with the player that XM offers.

Are there any other tablets that offer a built in FM radio tuner (NOT internet radio)? Has anyone used the Archos with the tuner?

What kind of docking connection do these units typically have? Are they compatible with Ipod/Itouch accessories or are they unique?

Appreciate any help you can offer.

Thanks, ggg :)
If you're looking for a multimedia base tablet, audio, video as the primary capability, you're on the right track. Archos has been making multimedia tablets since before anyone was buying them. The 5 is the only pocket friendly device that I know of that has the RDS feature, but keep in mind that this is an older model tablet and will most likely be antiquated shortly. The main reason for this is the android 1.6 os. despite having a nice a8 cortex cpu, you're stuck with 1.6 unless you turn to an alternative hacking solution. I would take a look at the 43. This is one of archos newer model pocket friendly tablets. You will have to forgo the RDS, but you'll gain FROYO 2.2, and there's always web radio...
I agree with insomnia look at the new smaller tablets from archos they have one that is 2.3 inch's. and there are a grip of web radio apps for android like pandora, i heart radio and others and those are free but the problem is the tablet will need to be connected to some kind of network for those to work.