new member: melissa


Jan 21, 2011
Hi, I'm Melissa from Tennessee. I got a Cruz reader for Christmas but havent had much time to play with it. I also have a Captivate phone. I was wondering if anybody would recommend the cruz for students to use in place of books? Or if there was another that would do the same w/o being too expensive? just wondering...books are expensive and heavy..thought something like this would be good.

Hope to hear something soon!!
Melissa - There is actually a movement underway already in California to convert the students there to Nooks or Kindles for their textbooks. In addition to the expediency factors such as being able to issue books, less to carry, able to update and integrate assignments, they actually figure that it would save possibly a billion dollars over having to replace paper books over and over, reprinting, etc. The main obstacle at the moment is getting the major publishers (Prentice Hall, Houghton, etc) to come up with Electronic versions. Since they currently can charge big bucks their motivation is not as high.

Anyway, welcome to the forums!

Thanks Peter for the welcome and info. For some stupid reason, I made an ASSumption that all the textbook companies would have downloadable books. bahaha... and i thought i was soo far behind in the tech field. Just goes to show, huh? Well, I'm sure I'll be back since I am tech challenged.

Have a great snow-free weekend!

Thanks for the welcome, I am in the Franklin area. Hope u are right and it is sooner than later.

enjoy your weekend,
Heck even J.K. Rowling still hasn't given the green light for Harry Potter books in digital form.