New System Update (1.141.04 ) won't install

I didn't remove any system files but I did remove some bloatware type stuff, for example Hero Of Sparta. I also took out some media players...problem is, I don't know all the stuff I removed. I'm getting ready to see if there's a list out there with all the pre-installed apps.

A word to the wise: restoring the device to factory defaults does NOT put default apps back, so even after wiping my device (which i'm not worried about...I like to do that after having a device for a few weeks anyway), the update still fails.
I didn't remove any system files but I did remove some bloatware type stuff, for example Hero Of Sparta. I also took out some media players...problem is, I don't know all the stuff I removed. I'm getting ready to see if there's a list out there with all the pre-installed apps.
Try to run the update- when it fails look at /cache/recovery/last_log to determine exactly what made your update fail.

There are backups of the OEM system files available here:
xda-developers - View Single Post - Removed System Apps Preventing Update - App List and Downloads

And deodex and odex app/framework folders here:
System dump
THANK YOU danielg5 and robdroid, that did it. I had renamed a bunch of files to get them out of the apps (I'm not worried about space at the moment). I put back the wpa_supplicant file and removed the tun.ko (which I still don't have working for VPN) and renamed everything back and the update worked. For those who are interested, I created two script files one called appbak.txt and one called apprest.txt that I have attached (you will need to rename these to .sh files). I don't know how often I will need to do this, but (while rooted) you can go into a terminal emulator and run the scripts and it will rename everything back or restore it depending on which file you run. If you look at the scripts they are very rudimentary so you can customize them for your tablet, i.e. you may not have replaced your wpa_suplicant file. Also remember (for those of us who are just becoming familiar with the Android OS, HeroOfSparta.apk is not the same as heroofsparta.apk. :)

Hope this helps someone.


  • $apprest.txt
    561 bytes · Views: 585
  • $appbak.txt
    569 bytes · Views: 488
Glad you got it working ChiTriGuy!
Your scripts could be helpful to some.
I have to remember to change my wpa_suplicant file back to the stock file today before I try to update. Other than rooting and maybe uninstalling some bloat (that can mow be replaced with the apps folders linked above) my tab is pretty much stock.
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed when attempting to update tonight.
Look at /cache/recovery/last_log and see exactly what made your update fail.

Thanks for mentioning that :)
I restored any bloatapps I deleted (had them backed up to PC), but the update still failed. It turned out that my backup app on the tablet had renamed NFS.apk, making the update fail when looking for it. I had not noticed it and probably would never have figured out what was making the update fail if you hadnt mentioned the log file. Seriously, you saved me hours of frustration! Thanks!
thanks for those APKs! That's awesome. I still can't get the update to complete though and when I look at /cache, the folder is empty. Should i be using a particular file manager to see it?
My Bad... I had renamed phone.apk and telephonyprovider.apk to .bak
once I corrected this the install worked... oops.
How long should this whole process take? I've been on the Unzipping dialog for about 10 minutes which seems odd to me for a 38 meg file.

I'm rooted, but have changed no files. I'm wondering if I'm going to have to power this off in the middle of it. Hopefully that won't cause a problem.

UPDATE: After 20 mins on the Unzipping dialog, I powered off and rebooted getting Update Failed message on the reboot. I then did the whole process over again going through the About Tablet -> System Update. After downloading again, it unzip pretty quickly, powered off, and installed update with no issues.
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I had similar problems with my unrooted tab but I just tried it a couple times and it eventually worked
K, so i grabbed Root explorer and looked at the contents of/cache/recovery/last_log's bombing because HeroOfSparta.apk isn't in /system/app even though I've installed that app and it works ...when I try to copy that file into that folder, it says it can't because it's a read only file system. I tried pushing it through adb to no avail. So what's the trick to getting these missing files (I have about 10) to copy into /system/app?
One problem I'm having is that once I download the bloatware that I took off, I can't get it in the system/apps folder. Root explorer won't let me copy/move the files to the system/apps folder because it says their "read only". Is it necessary to do that, or am I missing something else?