New to tablets, nned help!


Sep 24, 2010
Hi, I started looking around the internet yesterday for something I want for my birthday, and I came across these android tablet things. I was looking forward to getting the new iPod Touch for my birthday, but these just look more appealing. The problem is that I don't know which specific tablet to get. I'm looking for one that has touch screen, can fit in my pocket, has around 16+ gigabytes in the hard drive and costs around 150-200 dollars. Pretty much a replacement to the ipod touch.
Thanks in advance!
You won't find any tablet that has 16GB+ of hard drive...but all tablets can accept SD Cards so you can put one in an have a lot of space. If you want to much space than I think you will be using it for movies as well, so a tablet that can support 720p is a must. As for the Android version, 2.1 at least is a must from my point of view. If you want it to fit in your pocket than you will need a 7" one (maybe even smaller). have a few good choices: Herotab RK7, M7002 and Wits A81E, SmartQ V5/V7...I put up a page with different tablets and a specs comparison. you can find it here: Android Tablet Comparison
You won't find any tablet that has 16GB+ of hard drive...but all tablets can accept SD Cards so you can put one in an have a lot of space. If you want to much space than I think you will be using it for movies as well, so a tablet that can support 720p is a must. As for the Android version, 2.1 at least is a must from my point of view. If you want it to fit in your pocket than you will need a 7" one (maybe even smaller). have a few good choices: Herotab RK7, M7002 and Wits A81E, SmartQ V5/V7...I put up a page with different tablets and a specs comparison. you can find it here: Android Tablet Comparison
Can't put any of those in your pocket really lol

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Yeah, I geuss i don't need 16 gigs but 8+ is good. I don't really like those huge 7 inch ones, im looking for mainly ones around the size of the iPod touch so i can bring it to school and kepp it in my pocket. I saw the new archos ones and i likes the 4.3 inch one and the 3.2 inch one. Im not sure if they are out yet but i have until october the 12th to decide what i want.