Newbie Needs Gallery Help


Nov 27, 2012
I can,t seem to use, delete, add photos to the gallery. Is there a magic switch that I,m not using? I use an a100 and Dropbox
thks in advance
To remove a pic from the gallery, long press on it and there should be a delete option. If there is not, then the photo is on your Google+ account or Picasa. Log in using a proper computer and delete the albums containing those photos.

To add pics, well, Gallery just scans the internal (and on some devices external storage) and looks for any pictures and video files. So, if you want to add pics, just drop them in a folder (perhaps /sdcard/pictures/) and they should appear in Gallery. Sometimes they do not but the app RescanMedia will force a rescan and they should appear.

I personally find Gallery to be limited (cannot change the order other than from newest to oldest, cannot render the full picture when zooming in on a 12 MP photo, and a few others). I use QuickPic. It is free and you can tell it which directories to scan, change the sort order, better rendering and a few other features.
many thanks. i,ve already deleted my picassa account, but the albums remain in the gallery. Any thoughts?
many thanks. i,ve already deleted my picassa account, but the albums remain in the gallery. Any thoughts?

Those are shortcuts that may stick around for a little while but you could use the app RescanMedia or do a cold boot. The cold boot is non-destructive and the instructions are in a link below.
Or remove your google account from Settings, then add it back.

A third option is to go to Settings - Apps - All - Gallery - Clear Data.