Newbie needs help


Dec 27, 2010
Hi all !!

Im from michigan and I just bought a tablet off craigslist. Would say what kind but i have no clue.

Can someone help me so i can rrot this thing and make it useful

Build is wmt 2.0.1_105
Cpu: arm processor
Firmware 1.6
Kern version: 2.6.29-00236-g4f8dbbb-dirty

Dont know what to do with this thing. App market sucks and cant download a word office.

How do i update and root?

Is this device a via? Rocketchip?telechip? What category do i go in

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Start with the basics. Can you post a picture of it, or even better take a look at other pics already posted to help us identify it? Also, install the app Quick System Info, or Android System Info. That should provide enough detail to identify potential ROMs if any.