noob forum question....


Feb 10, 2011
apologize if this is already answered, but....

How can I flag, mark as favorite, or otherwise bookmark a specific post so I can more easily find it later?

Thanks in advance.

(I did a couple of searches, but didn't hit upon the right key words, apparently)
Well,other than your traditional browser bookmarks (which would fill very quickly on your pc) I think the best way to achieve what you are looking for is the Subscribe function. That is going to give you the opportunity get updates whenever the specific thread is updated, either immediately via email, or with a digest report. It also will give you the a place to view your subscribed threads in your user control panel.

does this help?
Thanks for taking time to suggest that....

(pokes around for a bit - ahhh, subscribing is an advanced option when replying.....)
You can also subscribe without replying first if it is something you want to watch. Look at Thread Tools at the top of the first message in a thread.

Sorry, should have pointed that out before.