over my head


Jan 22, 2011
I purchased an android 2.1 x220 flytouch II in lieu of a laptop. I basically want to go on-line to check email, etc. and I also wanted an eReader. Now I'm way over my head. I've never even had a smartphone and I can't figure out how to get around. I was able to get my wireless router info into the settings, but while I can get to the google search bar, it just sits and "thinks" and never connects. If I click onto a news story, again it "thinks" and never loads.
Also, the battery never charged completely. The first day I charged overnight with the tablet off. The next day it was only 85% charged, so I tried to continue charging with the tablet on, now it's only at 50%.???
Stupid little things, like I was able to change the language and the city, but I can change the termperature from celcius to degrees. (pardon any spelling errors!)
Is there a place to go with some kind of manual?? I've read several threads in the forums, but frankly, I can't even understand much of the dialog. I'm very unlearned.
Any suggestions of somewhere I can go to learn?
any basic android manual should help or android for dummies guide should help you enough. sure each android device as its own personality but the basic android stuff should be the same. Here is some simple help for your questions. Are you sure you are connected to your router and didnt just punch the information in? try and let the battery run all the way day until it turns off and then give it a good charge. I use widgets for my weather like fancy widget and there is a setting with in that widget itself to change it from Celsius to Fahrenheit which i think you were asking about because celsius to degrees didnt make sense in your original post
thanks probbiethe1. you're right - i didn't ask my weather questions very eloquently.! i'm so bad, i actually had to look up what a widget is, but i'm trying.! i will certainly take your advice and look for android for dummies. appreciate the help.