Play Store Error


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Well,I bought this android 7" tablet-mid-756 version 4.2.2 with a13-v1.1 firmware,and everything seems to be working without a hitch except for one thing:I can't seem to download anything from google play store.Upon clicking on "install" button,I get this error:"you don't have any devices" even though windows installed a necesary driver.I have tried all kinds of advices from a lot of different sources,but nothing seems to work.What is at fault here: my tablet,or my pc Windows 7 os? Prhaps someone has an idea how to download apps from google play store to a sd card(card reader)? Thank you in advance for any viable solution!:eek:
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There are 2 primary ways to install apps from the Google Store, (what you are describing isn't one of them). The first way is to use the Google Store app, the second would be to go to the Google Store on their WEB site using your PC and find the app, It will then tell you if the app is compatible with your tablet and offer to install it. None of this will happen if you a) don't have the Store app, b) Google can identify you and your tablet due to a registration issue, or something else.