Questions about my Coby Kyros MID8125


Oct 10, 2011
Hello all,

I am not sure if my tablet is Gen 1 or Gen 2. It runs Android 2.3.

I recently recevied it as a gift from a client of mine and I have been looking for a replacement for my Nook Color.

I am really enjoying this tablet. It runs gingerbread pretty smoothly. I have installed the Amazon AppStore on it as well as a few of my favorite apps from there and some others I have in APK format.

I'd really like to root this thing and install a different launcher taht allows me to place my icons closer together as well have access to the full google market.

It was missing the pouch and USB adapter it came with from the factory. I have a USB cable so data transfer isn't a problem, but I understand there is another adapter to allow me to hook up flash drives and stuff. So I would be interested in aquiring one of those if anyone knows where it get it.

I have had the tablet for a few days and already read about 4 or books on it and I find the lower resolution of the screen on this device easier on my eyes as compared with the Nook Color. I have installed a 16GB SD card which has some movies, music, books, pics and whatnot on it.

I am totally comfortable hacking up android devices have put CM7 on my Phone and tried a whole bunch of different ROM's on my Nook Color before settling on the latest verson of ICS/CM9 from the guys over at XDA.

If anyone could point me in the right direction of how to root this device and what 3rd party ROM's are available, it would be greatly appreciated. I am really enjoying this tablet and I am sure that witha few minor tweaks, it will completely replace my Nook Color, atleast until I get my hands one of the even newer Coby tablets with ICS on it.

EDIT: Realized I forgot to put in the model #. It is an MID8125.
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175 views and no comments?

Probably because I screwed up the thread title. Could a mod fix that to read "Questions about my Coby Kyros MID8125"?

Thanks. :)
Sadly that was first place I tried.

Guess what? They banned me after my 2nd post. Don't know why.

I created another account to ask for clarification and that account was banned.

I received no warnings, no explanation, nothing.

Which I find weird. I have used this handle for over a decade on other forums and am a member in good standing. I explained all this to one of their admins and no reply whatsoever was received. It felt very insulting and rude. So I came here. If KTZ is the only forum that can help me, then I will have to live with stock OS because I will not allow myself to be treated like that. I am a smart, caring and helpful person. I do not deserve that.
175 views and no comments?

Don't get discouraged so quickly. With an average of 40 lurkers for every member, only 4 or 5 of the 175 viewers are allowed to post on the forum and it's quite possible none of them was able to help. BTW Your tablet is a Gen 2, and I fixed your title.
On KTZ you will find my recovery and guide to root and install market. There aren't any roms for coby but the ones on KTZ.
On KTZ you will find my recovery and guide to root and install market. There aren't any roms for coby but the ones on KTZ.

I think they blocked my IP. I will reboot my router and see if I can access anything. Otherwise it's me and the stock OS.

Nope. Can't access jack. Thanks trying to help me though.
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Don't get discouraged so quickly. With an average of 40 lurkers for every member, only 4 or 5 of the 175 viewers are allowed to post on the forum and it's quite possible none of them was able to help. BTW Your tablet is a Gen 2, and I fixed your title.

Thanks for fixing that for me! :) Also good to know what gen my tablet is so, thanks x2. :p
The unit in question been sent for RMA. It locked up then upon reboot had a black screen and would do nothing. Pressing the reset button did nothing as well. Bummer because I was really beginning to like it.
The unit in question been sent for RMA. It locked up then upon reboot had a black screen and would do nothing. Pressing the reset button did nothing as well. Bummer because I was really beginning to like it.

It's hard to guess at what the problem was, anyway RMA should fix the tablet or replace the tablet. Black screen usually means wrong recovery was flashed, I am not saying you did that just making a guess.