Spb shell 3D launcher


Oct 1, 2011
Just wanted to share. The spd shell 3D launcher available from the market is amazing and works just fine on the vtab does :)

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Isn't this the $15.00 launcher? Seems a bit pricey for a launcher...

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It is nice to look at, but I was not overly impressed with it.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum
How's the speed? I saw on some of the feedback that it was a little sluggish on other devices.
How's the speed? I saw on some of the feedback that it was a little sluggish on other devices.
the price I agree is absurd but I still wanted to share cause it is a nice launcher - i noticed no sluggishness at all and the built in calendar, world time, and weather pages are gorgeous -
spb comes from the winmo era where people were willing to fork over 15$ for a solution to MS's crappy layout, but for 15$ I'll stick with stock and free options, good to know it works, maybe if they ever get with the program on pricing I'll give it a go.
I've downloaded it for free as a third party app. It seems very nice, but a little buggy. Would be willing to pay $5, maybe even $10. But thats the limit. Its no way worth $15. I like go launcher for a free one. Bet they'd sell a lot more at a lower price.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Froze my phone, but I think that is the poor old phone's issue! Downloaded on tablet. Nice....not even close to being worth $15.00...in my opinion....I think the only app I would pay that much for would have to be for functionality purposes, not just eye candy.

Does this app do anything other launchers aren't capable of (besides look nice?) Honestly just curious. Maybe I am missing something...

Sent from my DROID using Tapatalk
So if you buy this for your phone or tablet can you download it again for free on the other? I'm wondering cause I've got my vizio tablet and a htc evo.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I used their product on my og touch and was great. I how ever think that the price tag of $15 is ridiculous, it is nice but not good enough for that kinda price.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I just figured if I could pay the $15, download it on my evo and the vizio it wouldn't be so bad. $7.50 each would be better.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Always thought app was linked to Google account, not device. I could be wrong. As for me trying it on both devices....uhhhmmm...don't ask, don't tell...;)

Sent from my DROID using Tapatalk
I believe you can dl on multiple devices just log in to market with the account you made the purchase with. That's how I have the same paid apk on my evo and vtab. Spb shouldn't be any different. Apps on market are linked to market acct not device.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
That's what I had thought. I'm still thinking about buying a real nice tablet though. Want something really fast and without some of these little quirks.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Spb mobile shell will not load on my vtab. I figured why not give it a try even at the $15 price tag. It attempts to load the launcher but fails. Not sure why! Ok ok correction. I got it working, just had to remove launcher pro To much resource being used with both running.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
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