Sylvania set up for Dummies????


Dec 23, 2010
OK, everybody get the laughs & chuckles ready....Big Wooly by "Brick your system" do you mean will have to wipe the system clean & start from scratch OR the system will never work again? Scared to try your step by step until I know this answer ;)

I bought (2) one holds a charge & the other, well...scratching my head on that... then when I power it comes to a flashing prompt & stays there until I hit the reset button at the same time as Power & Menu and it will load up

I've "worked" on them for about 12 hours and only loaded (2) app games from the Slide market... calibrated the keyboard and updated to 2.02 on both...

I can't find where in the tablet I can go to uncheck the bluetooth & cell stuff it doesn't need that I've seen in multiple posts :confused:

Doing this on WiFi connection, should I tether it via the USB cord to my desktop computer?? I'm ready to smash them on the ground but I see several have gotten theirs to work wonderfully...

My kids just want game apps & to get on & poptropica (these require flash which is coming with the 2.2 release not to be confused with 2.02 which I have on them right now, YES???)

I work full-time & a single mom so I'm limited on extra man-hours to spend on this & I know I need help
Ok...let's try to give you a couple of answers...

Brick a System means just that. DEAD. A brick, a nice $200 paperweight. Actually pretty hard to do, follow the instructions by reading them, re-reading them, walking away, coming back and reading them again and then FOLLOWING them completely. NO SHORTCUTS.

Not sure what the issue is with the second tab, might be a prob, might not. Hard to say.

Hold your power button down until you get the popup, put the tablet into Airplane Mode. This turns off all services, then go to Settings->Wireless & Networks->Wi-Fi. Check the box and then only WiFi is on, everything else is off

If you have Wifi, then you don't need to tether.

Yes, 2.02 and 2.2 are two totally different things, and Flash only works on 2.2. You can try the Skyfire Browswer to see if that will work for the sites your kids want to use. Get it from the Market or Skyfire - Mobile Browser for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Good luck and welcome!
as to the one tablet that behaves crazy on start-up have you tried to use the recovery to reset the device?

Hold the tablet so you can:

Press on and hold the touchscreen, then press the power and menu buttons at the same time.

It then says if you want to recover press the required buttons. I pressed power, and menu again and it restored.
these tablets do take some messing with to get them setup to where most folks will be happy with them.

My kids just want game apps & to get on & poptropica (these require flash which is coming with the 2.2 release not to be confused with 2.02 which I have on them right now, YES???)
Also getting android 2.2 in no way guarantees that we will get flash with it. It at this point in time requires a certain arm instruction set and i'm not clear on if our tablet meets those requirement. maybe someone with some more knowledge than me can chime in on this. The skyfire browser suggestion is a good one. (there is a newer version available than the one that comes with the tablet.)

OK, everybody get the laughs & chuckles ready....Big Wooly by "Brick your system" do you mean will have to wipe the system clean & start from scratch OR the system will never work again? Scared to try your step by step until I know this answer ;)
like was said before i mean exactly that DEAD Tablet (good news is if you're in your return window with the store you got them from then you may be able to just exchange. not that i condone this but......)

now as pbrauer said if you read them carefully and follow them step by step you should be in good shape and it's actually pretty hard to permanently mess up your tablet with just putting on the market experience.

The other fail safe you have is the recovery i mentioned above to fix your whacky tablet.

Like i say in the guide don't go any further if you don't have a recovery image (some have reported theirs doesn't)

i say this for the exact reason of not wanting to guide people down a road that lands them in the $200 paper weight category.

If you're unsure about being able to do it. I would just try to go as far as getting a working emulator. If you can't get that going then it's a no go anyways.

If you get a working emulator then the rest is really a cake walk.

Don't worry about folks laughing at you for asking questions. if you did read through all the threads about this tablet you can tell from my posts when i 1st got mine and i asked alot more dumb questions than anyone else.

Good luck.
thanks for the quick responses, when I get home (hopefully they are still charged up) I'm going to try it...I think I have an "AHA" moment but need 1 in front of me & no WiFi anywhere near me at work...

I also tried to read how to "Thank" you on here but couldn't find that easily either in the FAQ's (just saw how to Thanks & it's done)
I have a question on the Skyfire suggestion. If I don't have Market, how do I get the latest version of Skyfire? Their website says to go to Market to get the latest version..

And around and round we go.... I guess I'll have to do the "read it three times and take a break" process.... And attempt to NOT break my Sylvania..
ok, I updated (1) to slideme4.0 market & those apps are installing ok...but now to try the google/droid market install....still have a question...

once I'm on the flashing cursor, what do I type to get into the .apk files to takes stuff off or if there is another thread can you link me to it??

have skyfire but not newest one that require droid/google market to get along with angry birds for mom ;)

using a mini-usb mouse & that is working ok & making installs quicker
Hold your power button down until you get the popup, put the tablet into Airplane Mode. This turns off all services, then go to Settings->Wireless & Networks->Wi-Fi. Check the box and then only WiFi is on, everything else is off

When I hold down the power button the only option I get is to power off the system. Tried with wifi on and off. I am on 2.02.
Can I ask a favor of anyone with Google Market / newest Skyfire ?

Before I go thru the man-hours of adding it to both kids Tabs, could you see if or work without needing to add the newest Flash player?

those 2 sites would be my strong, driving factor to add google myself instead of waiting for "said" update to come in early January

PS... Sylvania updated there page with a little more details and a Q&A section w/video walk thru's
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