Tablet buying advice plez


May 29, 2011
Hi as above I'm looking to purchase a tablet and the more I research and look the more confused I am getting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here are few facts to help anyone understand what I am looking for, thanks for your time.
Basically looking for a tablet to use at work and at home when I get tired of holding a laptop. My number one use would be for penny auctions since that is my number 2 hobby. So dependability and connection speed is the most important. 57 yrs old so good screen resolution and viewing is important also. Would like to have the ability to play games on it though I am not a hard core gamer. Thinking of the 10 inch size due to eyes etc but really don't want anything too heavy since my laptop takes that place first :) Looking to spend around 225.00 but can go up to 300.00 but not more than that since its mainly for convenience and comfort. I found this site while trying to find reviews on the Zenithink 10.2" Touchscreen Android 2.2 Tablet PC. I'm also looking at the HDE 10.2 Super Pad II. And not too familiar with Android to date. Hopefully this long winded post gives you enough info to help guide me in the right direction and one final note I need to purchase it thru Amazon off giftcards won in the penny auctions ROFL told you it was my second favorite hobby. Again thanks for your time.
Thanks Spider I had found those threads before registering and couldn't remember where they were at so I finally gave up and posted here. Thanks again!