Tablet for kids to use as media player (exclusively)


May 31, 2011
I have little kids who have been using a portable DVD player. Since most of my video is already in digital format, I'd like to ditch the bulky DVD player and get them a tablet. Since this is for kids use only (and prone to breakage) I'd like to buy something inexpensive.

Can someone recommned a cheap, no frills tablet that would work well as a video player? Battery life is also important. Everything else is bonus.
It will depend on the brightness, and also what else is running (bacground weather, news, email, and twitter updates). Also facebook updates. Only movies will be interesting. You should get a fab with a full size usb and have movies on them. Another option is netflix. Don't know how old your kids are or if netflix let's you have subaccounts with restrictions by rating.

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Thanks. I only care about movies, so I'd stop all other services and even turn off wifi if possible.

I've ben leaning towards the Nook Color, but am now wondering if even that is overkill if being used for simple video playback.
There's an application called MySettings that will let gu enable/disable settings. The gtablet is $300. For watching movies, i'd suggest a 10 " something.

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