Thinking of purchasing...


Sep 12, 2010
I have a question.. and this seems to be the best place on the net to ask..

From most reviews that I have read this device (GT78) seems to be locked and can only use the apps pre-installed? Due to being "BANNED FROM GOOGLE MARKET PLACE"???

But then I read forums like this one and it seems that you have access to the market place?? (after official patch?)

So in short...
Do I have access to apps such as: "Amazon's 'Kindle'", "Barnes & Noble 'Nook'", "Border's 'KOBO'", eComic reader such as the one I have on my iPod Touch to read DC & Marvel digital comics??

And what about "ADOBE" FLASH and SHOCKWAVE web sites can they be viewed the web browser? <<AKA: FACEBOOK and their GAMES and THE WEATHER CHANNEL MAPS>>

My wife has a 'Kindle' and I find it a very nice device but very limiting.. and the iPad too costly.. and while I like my iPod it just does not work as a reader or web surfing too well and have tried to use a NetBook but find with the hinged screen too bulky... and while I would love to find a screen with that is 8.6" X 11" I find the 7" screen to be just about right and for $30.00 less than the "CRUZ READER" and having Android 2.1 where the "CRUZ READER" is reported to only have Android 2.0 ....

And what is confusing me is the number of different version of the Android OS on the market place and how some so called "Tablets & eReaders" that use this OS that you can find listed on eBay and the like do not allow for new apps to be installed much like the very limited WindowsCE imbeded software...

If you go here

Augen Gentouch - Wiki

do linckraker's v3 update which includes Augen's v3 patch and is installed in the same way, but also includes rooting, market fix(cache directory -- still need to do the long market fix or clockworkx's non-ugly fix(easier) for market access), adds backs the Google apps, clockwork mod, and misc other things (see wiki)

Then to get market to work, I'd strongly suggest clockworkx's Non-ugly Market fix which can also be found in the wiki...

Probably also want the setCPU app fix and set min clock speed to something more than 36MHz. I've set mine to 126MHz.

voila rooted tablet w/Google apps & Android market access.

It's not a bad tablet, but the screen is a bit touchy(i.e. not quite sensitive enough), but I've been using it almost every morning since 8/15 for light web browsing, email(only answer the ones that need immediate resp and short resp as typing on the builtin kb is AWFUL and I haven't gotten around to experimenting with replacers yet). Video works GREAT on this, unfortunately it has no output so you have to watch it on the device. (There are other Chinese TCC8902 tablets that DO have HDMI output ports but you'd have to order from China and they'd cost a bit more, plus the hassles(cost/time) of returning if broken, etc. which is why I really just went for the GT.)

Also use it at night for reading text & epubs. Used iReader for plain old text, and FBReaderJ for epubs ATM. Get c. 4.5h running WiFi w/screen brightness at c. 15% and probably 6h or so at night reading w/WiFi off and brightness @ 0%. Not sure about video as, well, I just don't watch many videos.

Another alternative if so inclined to experiment is the Witstech A81 E which has GPS(optional -- either included or usually +$15), user removeable battery, bluetooth, and a Cortex-A8 CPU(800MHz TI OMAP3530) plus Android 2.2, but the fw is a bit flakey/unstable ATM and video playback is reported not very good for HD(SD is supposed to be OK).

Archos is releasing some new tablets soon too... bit overpriced IMNHO 7&quot; w/TI OMAP3640 (Cortex-A8) capacitive screen, actually they're releasing a whole line of 3in, 4in. 7in and 10in devices but the 7in or maybe 10in seem to be the only interesting ones but they're expensive $279-350 MSRP.

Also Cruz Tablet is coming out but since no one knows the COMPLETE specs it's not recommended ATM

Back to apps, yep I've installed kindle & nook but haven't tried to buy any books yet. Laputa is the app for reading comics. I installed it and it runs, but I don't read comics.

Flash isn't likely to work on this tablet and doesn't ATM. Even on the A81-E it's pretty flakey. IIRC there are some apps in the app store for accessing some of the sites that you mention, and all of the sites that I visit still work w/o flash anyways although many will default to taking you to the mobile version of the site, which is sometimes nice as a 600MHz or so CPU just is never going to render complex sites all that quickly...

Kobo... dunno never looked for that one.

ebay and the like: don't buy from there. They're mostly all Chinese sellers and you never know when you're buying from one who knows his stuff or not and is legit to begin with. You'll have to do your homework first if you're thinking of ordering from China. Pick a tablet that you like and I'd suggest visiting the slatedroid forums(and others) looking for info about recommended sellers and &quot;bad&quot; sellers. Merimobiles, JTsop, Pandawill, mp4nation, etc. all seem to be pretty good but the only one that you'd really want from mp4nation would be their Nationite Midnite which is just a re-branded Witstech A81-E and they're a little more expensive(shipped always c. $30 shipped from China via a decent carrier) but they're reliable. Merimobiles and the others carry a wider variety of tablets and have varying degrees of pricing.
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Thanks for the reply but think I may get a Pandigital Color Multimedia eReader device that seems to be getting more ''hacker'' support and is being sold at more places for less and from what I have read supports "WiFi N" and both SD & Mico cards.
Sounds like you looking for more of e-reader but with the functions of a tablet. Though the PanDigital is 800x600 @ 7" where as AuGen Gentouch78 is 800x400 @ 7". You can use this as a reader it does support Amazon Kindle and Adobe Reader for PDF. What you might want to do is go and get both and test them out and see what you would feel better using. If you like to tinker you can get the Gentouch78 to it's peak performance as on this site that's better much what members/owners of the device is doing. PanDigital is a reader but you can make it into a tablet but yet have reader features.
Thanks for the reply but think I may get a Pandigital Color Multimedia eReader device that seems to be getting more ''hacker'' support and is being sold at more places for less and from what I have read supports "WiFi N" and both SD & Mico cards.

Um, the hacker SUPPORT it to get it where the Gentouch78 is already at.. The PDN is not sold as a Tablet, its just sold as an eReader, but runs Android 2.0 out of the box.. They are trying to get a STABLE 2.1 working, (GT78 already comes with 2.1). There is hacking/modding going on right now for the GT78 with porting Froyo (Android 2.2) to the device.

I owned both the PDN and Gentouch78.. I returned the PDN. Video is MUCH better on the Gentouch78 also... Its not always sold for LESS, btw.. Bed, Bath & Beyond runs sales, but other places are selling it for 199 and over.. The FULL size SD card is used for additional memory, but the MicroSD is only for INSIDE the device, it doesnt have dual support on the outside for each card. The microSD is not swapped out simply, like the full size SD card.

Last, the GT78 is SOLD as an Android Tablet, and the updates focus on improving that. The PDN is a eBook read and its updates focus on that, not on the Android system..

Thanks for your replies.. here is more info as to what is going on in my head..
I would like the device to also be able to;
: play MP3's while I am reading.
: Basic web surfing and accessing my Google Email
: Have some sort of "Weather Bug/Channel"
: Have some sort note pad.. either with on screen key board or handwriting
: Basic picture viewer
: Basic MP4 Video playback / YouTube.
: The ''DirecTV' Scheduling App" for Android.
I currently have an iPod Touch but the smaller screen means that I seem to spend more time changing pages than reading.

I understand that unlike the Apple devices that software can be downloaded from many sources and not just a "Locked Source Store" like "iTunes"??... but reading here many want access to the 'Android MarketPlace'
Well it seems that many of you own more than one Android tablet..

[[And just think Captain Kirk was shown using eTablets over 40 years ago!.. has anybody done a "Star Trek Theme"?? Yet?]]
DVD2955, the augen gentouch does all of what you want, plus more. There is an app called maildroid that allows you to access all your email accounts simultaneously so you don't have to log in log out log in log out.

Between slideme, andappstore, and several other sources of apps, you can pretty much get whatever apps you want. Or if you don't mind some modding you can even get market on the gentouch.

There are already 2 wikis for the gentouch. You can also read augen gentouch for dummies.
IF you get a PDN make SURE that you get a WHITE one. The black one is a nearly useless as anything other than an LCD reader...



...or you can pay MUCH more for a white PDN disguised as the Cruz Reader...

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I want to thank everybody for your replies.. but it seems to come down to my bank account... I understand that I can get the "Pandigital" for about $100.00 w/coupon and rebate....

I want to thank everybody for your replies.. but it seems to come down to my bank account... I understand that I can get the &quot;Pandigital&quot; for about $100.00 w/coupon and rebate....


Just make SURE that it's the WHITE PDN IF you want to HACK it... the black one's hw is significantly inferior to the white even if the fw appears to be a bit better, but they've already got the Cruz Reader fw to run on the WHITE PDN...
My password manager, captchas, and had one of their regular spats last night and I couldn't get this posted till now. Maybe it will help somebody else.

Weather: Using the stock browser, the Gentouch 78 will animate the national and regional doppler radar maps from The Weather Channel's main site as well as provide a loop of the local radar at The Weather Channel's mobile site. Some, if not all, of the other maps require flash. Static maps are all that can be displayed from most other weather sites including the National Weather Service doppler radar.

Kindle & music: I have Kindle for Android installed and can read ebooks and listen to mp3's or internet radio stations simultaneously without problems. I use the Radiotime app for internet radio. I also installed the difficult-to-find apk of A Online Radio (AOR), but had buffering problems with some stations and they would not play. Droid Live, which comes preinstalled, does not work.

Note-taking: There are many free notepads available at the Slideme app store Productivity | SlideME. Sticky notes - I use one called Sticky Memo Widget Lite - easy to use and delete.
I saw this 7" Nationite Rocktab is becoming available for pre-order. I'm going to wait for a few reviews, but this looks EXACTLY what I want it for (similar to what you will be using it for).

I primarily will use it as a 'kitchen tablet' for:
* (while cooking, referring to recipes)
* Play music
* Watch some video trailers/youtube
* Update family Google Calendar for various activities
* Check email
* light web-browsing
* maybe as a digital picture-frame when not in-use.
Nationite Rocktab is the same as Witstech A81. Its the best tablet out there. Only reaon why I didn't buy it was because it didn't have a gsensor/accelerometer.

Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using Tapatalk
It is the Nationite MIDnite that is based on the Witstech A81E. Their RockTab is a different entry-level device based on the Rockchip 2808 processor, not the Cortex A8 in the MIDnite/A81E. Think of the RockTab as a high quality Apad or Moonse 7001.