Two problems in my new Infotmic tablet, please help


Nov 19, 2010
Hello, today i received my new infotmic tablet with android 2.1 the problen is that continuosly appear the message Register and appear a windows for introduce 5*5 numbers. How I can register?.

The second probles is the tablet is conected to my router by wifi, but i don´t have internet conection. I introduce in the router the MAC of tablet but not run. How I can resolve this problem?

Thank you very much!!
Hello ,the second problem is resolved. I introduced the key wrong but the system told me that I am conected. I introduced the correct key and run perfectly the Wifi.

I need resolved the first problem. I need a key or how and where i can to pay for a key for registered.

You should not need to register this as you describe. It was incorrectly set up by the factory, or is has the really wrong date. If the date is totally wrong, it can place you in demo mode. Call where you bought it , and get it fixed from them.
There's a firmware that negates the registration the last time I heard, but the screen resolution is a hardware defect.
mine just goes to the green screen that says powered by wowpad and nothing els i just got it today too :(3