Update to 2.2, or wait?


Dec 9, 2010
I've spent several hours tonight reading about updating to 2.2 (on the Archos 70 that I am supposed to receive tomorrow.) It seems that for every thread I read saying how easy it is to do and how much better their device performs with the update, I find another thread saying not to update yet, that it's still too early and it's still too buggy. I was of the mind that, yes, of course I want to update, but now I'm not so sure.
My primary use for the 70 will be email, web browsing and some e-reading. Maybe a game or two, the occasional video, maybe some neat apps. Nothing like I'd say the majority of you use your devices for - strictly lightweight stuff.

So, I wonder, do I update now? Will it be worth it to me, or will it just cause a bunch of headaches that I'm not techie enough to fix? Any thoughts on this would really be appreciated!
I have 3x APNs with into 7T/7R 802.11n max the coverage just for this tablet to work on the WiFi. I had to take out DIR-655 which has a Rooted ROM on it to max the signal. It all works now. I even OC it to 1GHz as these are shipped at 800MHz. Rand some Rooted apps and the thing flies off the tablet! Best to upgrade to 2.2 and get the Market slide-load, fix Youtube also.
for me, the buggy performance after the 2.2 update was due to not doing the recommended wipe/reset after. once i did a full format, then updated to 2.2 - it was much better. i'm not a super-techie either. no roots, no overclocking - but still no headaches. updating is a copy-and-paste process that literally takes less than 5 minutes and i don't think it's possible to mess it up.
@tipstir - ahhh, I only understand a bit of what you said! See how 'not techie' I am!

@Soopa83 - ok, that's good to hear. From what I've been able to figure out, the update *seems* to go more smoothly if doing it from the very beginning, as in just set up the wifi and then do the update right out of the box. If anyone knows if this is true, can you let me know that, too? Or can I at least try browsing the internet first, on 2.1, to see how it goes? Will that mess up the ease/possible success of the update, or no - as long as I don't download apps or make some kind of techie-type changes (that I'm not going to make anyway)?
There is an option in the settings app to resent the unit to its default sate (deletes all your apps , save, booksmarks, wifi settings etc). So yes surf away and then wipe it before you you update to 2.2. I have no problems with the Update. Everything works for me.
Thank you Typhoons - just what I was hoping to hear!....and it arrived this morning. Wooooo!
@tipstir - ahhh, I only understand a bit of what you said! See how 'not techie' I am!

@Soopa83 - ok, that's good to hear. From what I've been able to figure out, the update *seems* to go more smoothly if doing it from the very beginning, as in just set up the wifi and then do the update right out of the box. If anyone knows if this is true, can you let me know that, too? Or can I at least try browsing the internet first, on 2.1, to see how it goes? Will that mess up the ease/possible success of the update, or no - as long as I don't download apps or make some kind of techie-type changes (that I'm not going to make anyway)?

1. Download the ROM update from Archos throught the tablet
2. Use the wipe everything option then apply the ROM
3. Youtube bug that needs to be fixed
my yt app is working now b/c i installed a different google apps apk than the 10mb one that installs everything - it only included gmail & market (~3mb), so i was able to download & install yt directly from the market.
my yt app is working now b/c i installed a different google apps apk than the 10mb one that installs everything - it only included gmail & market (~3mb), so i was able to download & install yt directly from the market.

Good, I did that emulator term and then use Market to pull in a new Youtube and I was back in business! While I was rooted I use Cachemate Pro to clean the unit. Free up some junk 5MB worth.

CM3 benchmark:

OS 2.1 = 1,174 800MHz
OS 2.2 = 4,468 800MHz
OS 2.2 Rooted = 5,598 @ 1GHz
i found a pretty simple step-by-step guide on rooting the archos & overclocking the cpu - and i did it! it was nowhere near as intimidating as i made it out to be in my head. it zips along now. i also got cache cleaner and it cleared 3.6mb of stuff...it's nice that the tablet operates faster, but aside from that, what else can you do with rooting?

i've read about lcd density - have you tried that?
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I have both the 70 and 32 The best way I have found to update is 1) Download firmware to computer first i tried to do it over wifi and it bricked a 32
2) do a clean install like you would on a pc and go through setup without turning on wifi
3) then copy firmware aos to archos and letn it find it and install it as per instructions on screen
4) turn on wifi and add the freepack for your device
5) now add gmarket app
device should then preform well, with the 70 and I presume the101 I then did overclock to 1000 and it has worked well
