Upgrading the 7" WPDN from Eclair (2.1) to Froyo (2.2)


Jun 5, 2011
Hello all! I'm new to the AndroidTablets community, and I am prewarning you: I AM A NOOB with all the technical stuff, so please bear with me. Here's my problem: my WPDN is currently running on the official Eclair firmware released by Pandigital. Ive been surfing the web and finding many different Froyo firmware mods, and the Froyo features look interesting! However, Im not sure if there is a safe way to upgrade from Eclair to Froyo, or if its even possible. Soooo...if there is a (relatively) safe way to pull this off, please walk me through step by step...and Im serious, I need 1-2-3 instructions (yes I know, Im such a noob). Thanks in advance to anyone that replies!