[WARNING] Different Gentouch Versions Have Emerged. Affects Firmware.


Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
There are at least 2 different versions of the Gentouch shipping

The old version has a 2.5mm headphone jack. The new one has a 3.5mm headphone jack, with a 3-axis accelerometer.

The methods to enter recovery mode are different now as well, it seems.

Most importantly, firmware updates that work for the 2.5mm version DO NOT work on the 3.5 mm version, and vice versa

Since there was a collected effort to abandon the device by the modding community, you may be on your own.

Please contribute by giving any more information you can provide in this. Or head to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=9576897
yea... and of course I have the new 3.5 mm version with the 3-axis accelerometer...
I also have the 3.5 mm version. I learned the the hard way. I can confirm the old software updates do not work on the new hardware. Though, you can still get access to adb shell. If someone happens to have the stock images, and wouldn't mind posting them. I'm hoping to try and salvage mine.

*Update* I asked Augen tech support what I should do with my 3.5 mm version tablet after flashing it with their update v3, their response was to return it to where I bought it from. Awesome. Might look into getting a Kyros instead.
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Or supposedly naobsd (aka fun) said you guys might want to try newer Dawa D7/iMito IM7 firmware. Check the xda thread.
Just got off the phone with the guy who actually fixes these things when you send them in for repair. He is a wealth of information. Here's what i learned:

If you have a white power button, it has a G-sensor and a microphone.
Black power button - no g-sensor.
White button version = sturdier housing.
White button version = 3.5mm jack (we all knew that already).

They already have a firmware upgrade ready for all versions (he didnt outright say it, but i got the feeling there are more than 2). They haven't put it out because they haven't typed up the changelog. Seems they have been putting that off.

He took down my contact info and said he is going to try to send me the link to the new firmware. If i get it, i will let you all know how it turns out. He said they should be posting it to their site soon.

I had to call corporate like... 5 times in order to finally get them to transfer me over to this guy. I think i pissed the lady that answered the phone off enough to the point where she just didn't want to talk to me anymore. (plus, the tech said that she actually knows NOTHING about these units. Which is why other people that called in got jacked up info).

I hope this helps everyone. I'm not in the habit of registering on a bunch of various forums, so if any of you are on XDA or the wiki, you might want to spread the news.

... thanks for the information jair2k4. Hopefully the firmware will be released soon!

if they contact YOU with that FW please help us out and let us know, I have some BW to spare I could host it for a bit!
Definitely let us know about that update! My GT78 (newer version) just came in today. Def need some new firmware on this baby! Any idea when this new firmware will be available?
Its decent. It can be a little smoother, thats why I was hoping an update for the new version can address this. Since the firmware update for the older version made it a lot better, so im hoping our firmware update shall be released soon. Overall I think it does what it should. To be honest I dont plan on using the internet much on it, rather use a pc, but as an ereader, music and video aswell with random apps, I am satisfied. But one thing I would like to get working is DROIDLIVE! Does anyone know if it works properly.
I can't get DroidLive working at all....

For music, Napster etc... Gentouch works great. I haven't had any issues with playing music.

On a side note I downloaded a few games that uses the G-Sensor... and it does work ok. It's not bad....
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but the new version of the GT78 seems to have a pretty significant improvement to battery life. I've seen complaints of the old version only lasting 3-4 hours on a charge. After 4 hours of continuous use, mine typically still shows 50% or so left on the battery. This is with wifi on, browsing the net, and maybe playing some games (haven't tested it with playing video, though).

Maybe it has an updated battery too?
Woah spinach.chin.. I wish I had the same results. I am lucky if I get 4 hours of continuous usage...

If you PM me or swing on by the #augendev-mod channel on Freenode.net, we're trying to get development from the outside going again. If you get in touch with the guy who fixes the GT's, "gently" remind him that they should be releasing their code PER the GPL.

The ONE release that we got posted ( once upon a time ) by Daniel ( now President of Augen ) was after a conversation I had with him about it. Since then I've been unable to get through to him ( must be hitting the same lady you are, but I guess he's just afraid of talking to me or something. ).

As for battery life, I'm lucky if I get 4 hour continuous out of mine. A little envious of you folks who got the 2nd Gens, but congrats to you.

Supposedly the 1012 build of the Dawa D7 will work with 1st Gen's and the 1112 build "might" work on the 2nd Gen's. We're going to have to tread carefully.
New to the forum - sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place.

I ordered a Gentouch78 from 1SaleADay offered a couple of weeks ago and just got it in three days ago. It was listed as new on the sale site, but it's not according to the "refurbished by Seque" registration card in the box. I'm assuming from what I read above that it's the V1 since it has a black button and a 2.5mm jack, BUT it doesn't have the Google Market on it and it *does* have a calibration program on it. It's been acting kind of quirky (display shuts off after a minute or two even though it's set to turn off after 10 minutes), ePUB and .txt books show up as garbage in iReader, it won't play videos, etc.

1) do I just pack it up and send it back or is it worth messing with?
2) if I do keep it to mess around with I figure it would be best to root it BUT I'm confused as to what set of instructions to use
3) I'm not afraid to try to work on it if I have step-by-step instructions, but I'm not well-versed in the specifics. I did find one site that was like "Augen GenTouch rooting for Dummies", but the main instruction page shows up as no longer being available on line.

Any help would be appreciated.