WARNING! Possible scam alert


May 28, 2010
I just got burned in my Irobot, aka: Apad, aka: Moonse purchase. The Seller stated that it was a 1.2GHz processor (CPU600MHz+DSP600MHZ). I have run two separate test ('CPU Benchmark' and 'Quick system Info PRO' both are free in the Android Market) and found that it only has a ARM926EJ-S rev-5 (v5l) running at 299.00MHz! (I thought it seemed sluggish). DroidBench tells me I am running at 76.296 Mflops/s, I have NO IDEA what this means, if anyone can tell me if this in any way confirms or disputes what the other two MHz benchmarks give me, PLEASE let me know. I contacted the E-bay seller in China about this, but am not very hopeful, about a joyful conclusion. Lastly, just as a reference ARM926EJ-S rev-5 (v5l) is what is used in the Tom Tom One XL GPS. Excuse me while I go kick the couch and cry.
I found my answer at the slatedroid.com forums (if you go there be aware that the their server crashes a lot). and was informed that CPU testers that are in the wild right now are for phones and will give you an inaccurate reading on tablets. They instructed me to go into setting and under "About MID" (it might say About Devise or about my phone, depending on where you got your tablet) and look at Kernel Version if it says Rockchip version, than you have the Rockchip processor.