Watching avi on Archos 70


Jan 6, 2011
Hi Archos users!

Can I dump a 300MB-6GB .avi file onto an Archos 70 microSD or USB and play it straight off the bat?

Or, does it need to be converted into a different size/resolution etc?

I'm looking for a tablet that will play my non-DRM files with minimal fuss.

Preferably with at least 720p.

I haven't had many issues.

I do have issues playing certain kinds of mpegs, however I downloaded an app called Arcmedia and it plays literally everything I throw at it. It even auto-resizes to fit the screen (playing in Arcmedia).
I've dumped various video files onto microSD cards and the Archos seems to play them all. You should be good to go for .avi,.mpeg,.mkv, what have you.
I have not been able to find arcmedia in market or appslib how can I get hold of it? I have been unable to play most of my avi's with my archos
Yep, plays avi movies perfectly. Who needs a portable DVD player!!.. LOL

Does anyone have recommendation for conversion program to convert my DVDs to AVI??
Yep, plays avi movies perfectly. Who needs a portable DVD player!!.. LOL

Does anyone have recommendation for conversion program to convert my DVDs to AVI??

You'll need a program to break the copyright and put it onto your computer. Something like DVD Decrytper, or AnyDVD. Then I like to use Auto GK (aka Auto Gordian Knot) to convert to an .avi. I've also heard that Handbreak is good.

cuzza said:
I have not been able to find arcmedia in market or appslib how can I get hold of it? I have been unable to play most of my avi's with my archos

What are your .avi files like?

People, I know it can play .avi files, I'm looking for specific confirmation that it can play ones over 300MB and in what resolution? A "it's played everything I've tried" isn't quite clear enough, unless the kind you've tried is what I was asking about. I say this as I know in the past that others have had to re-convert to something smaller, such as what a phone would require. Does the newer Archos 70 need this too?
Right now I am watching a 850 MB movie in .m4v with no problems. I use Act1video player, don't know about other players. The movies have been ripped with anydvd/handbrake. I also have been watching recently a 350 MB .avi with no issues also.
And yes, I have the newer Archos 70 8gb
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The reason is you are using one of the few codecs which Archos does not provide capability. It is likely a derivative of MPeg1 or a VOB file. The other reason is an incompatible (AAC) audio codec.
This is fixed by changing your converter to a different codec. MKV XVID DIVX for Video, and MP3 is the easiest to transcode. I use Mediacoder and some swear by Handbrake. Either will work. Find the one which renders best for you.
Otherwise, you can buy the one plugin they sell which does the same at the Archos website
I have tried a few movies as well as one series, and the only thing I can get to work are the first two episodes of my series which are 718MB avi files, I find it funny that the rest of the eps don't play, I have put the files straight on my SD card and when I try they say the file is corrupted or unreadable, I tried reformatting the card and then putting everything on again and no luck, these avis play beautifly on my pc with media player. Any ideas would be appreciated, or as I said I could not locate this arcmedia, if anyone can tell me how maybe that will fix it. If not seems like it will have to be an expensive web browser until vlc come out
I have an Archos 70 as well and Rock Player plays the avi files perfectly. And I use Bitripper to convert my dvd collection into avi files on my computer. It is free and has worked great so far.
gurgle said:
The reason is you are using one of the few codecs which Archos does not provide capability. It is likely a derivative of MPeg1 or a VOB file. The other reason is an incompatible (AAC) audio codec. This is fixed by changing your converter to a different codec. MKV XVID DIVX for Video, and MP3 is the easiest to transcode. I use Mediacoder and some swear by Handbrake. Either will work. Find the one which renders best for you. Otherwise, you can buy the one plugin they sell which does the same at the Archos websit

I don't generally rip them. I receive them as 350MB+ avi files and would like to avoid having to redo them.

cuzza said:
no rockplayer had the same problems for me as the default video
bigblue206 said:
I have an Archos 70 as well and Rock Player plays the avi files perfectly. And I use Bitripper to convert my dvd collection into avi files on my computer. It is free and has worked great so far.

So what is the difference between your files??

The thing is, I want to guarentee that my files will play before I go and spend all that money on the tablet.
The dvds that I have ripped using Bitripper are turned into AVI files which play on the Rock Player without any problems. They play on the stock Video player but they have no audio. Also they play fine with the VL Player. I am still trying to find a converter which will allow me to play my Itunes movie on the Archos. ANyone have any suggestions.
I don't generally rip them. I receive them as 350MB+ avi files and would like to avoid having to redo them.
The thing is, I want to guarentee that my files will play before I go and spend all that money on the tablet.

Then you need you need to understand Archos, while having the ability to play a broader variety of codecs. They still control certain codecs by license. This is a well known Archos "feature" since Gen4 PMPs. The Gen8 Android tablets 28/32/43/70/101 are far more compatible, but they still do not have complete compatibility without paying a bit more for the codec"
I would be curious what are the codecs you are having issues. Generally, Archos is good about the error response. It will describe a codec error and the cause for the failure.
I will not ask your source of the avi's but what you describe sounds like a audio AAC or MPeg1 video error. You cannot always get what you expect.
Until there is a VLC player available on Android, you will need to transcode is my opinion.
I'm playing avi TV shows in the 350MB with no problem with whatever the stock player is. or ~700mb for the 720p. I'm generally watching them on the tablet so I'm generally going with the 350mb.