WellcoM Tablet on eBay


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
I am new to Android but keen to get a tablet for mapping and other mobile use.This tablet looks great
7" GOOGLE ANDROID 2.2 TABLET 3G SMART CELL MOBILE PHONE - eBay, Other Mobile Brands, Mobile Phones, Phones. (end time 05-Nov-10 02:18:38 AEDST)

except for processor and price.

Is anyone able to provide any advice on this tablet or similar

As far as I can see the 600MHz Qualcomm MSM7227 is not the fastest or the latest but capacitive multitouch etc looks great and apparently its made in the the factory that makes Ipads.

US$650 does seem expensive, is it worth it?
I can make an offer on this. Do you think this device is worth $500 or are there better options

Thanks for any advice, I am new to this technology and very confused by the huge array of choices.
That is very over priced IMO. If you gonna pay that much you'd be better getting a better known brand like Samsung. To much a risk for an unknown, underpowered Android device.
Unfortunately that is the going rate in East Asia ($500 USD) from my research. The one thing the Samsung has over this will be the ready support structure. The big thing this will have is the fully unlocked 3G device.

I am going to show my bias and say I do NOT need one more device with a monthly fee. I can tether with my Phone, and have used a friends 3G WiFi AP. Either of those would be my preference. That is why I am not looking at the Samsung, Wellcom or similar. The issue is for me. The Wellcom looks to be a Phone stuck into a tablet. I could be wrong though.

Let the people who buy one or the Samsung give their opinion. I do not want to slam something that is not for me But that my opinion.
Too expensive is right. You might as well get a properly supported device
Thanks for the advice. Its great to be able to draw on so much experience
Two things struck home for me
1. If I am going to spend that much buy a brand name
2. Think carefully about another device to pay monthly data connection on.

I have been reading about the Archos7o and it looks light and fast,but doesn't seem to be available here yet. I need a GPS too and that doesn't appear to be available on the Archos.
I have also been able to tether my phone so it looks like I can work without another SIM card
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Wow! $500!? If you are willing to drop that kind of coin just get a Samsung Galaxy Tab. Otherwise you can wait for the Archos 7 or 101 as well as the Elocity A7. They should be shipping within the next week or two. The Elocity A7 in particular has a lot going for it, in particular is the nVidia Tegra 2 250 dual core Cortex A9 SoC as well as Froyo shipping on the unit.
Good advice guys
I will get Archos 70 nice and thin and light. I will just leave a bluetooth GPS in the car when I want mapping.
Looks like they are a few weeks away though.

Should have an HTC Desire HD by then!