What'a Your Battery Life Like?


Staff member
Jan 2, 2011
Just wondering what everyone's getting for battery life? I've only had my 7015 for a little over 24hrs and despite all the downloading and tweaking I've been doing my battery has never gotten below 50% or so.
After getting rid if the phone and telephony apk's I've noticed a big increase in battery life. I haven't it run completely dead yet, but I can hack on it with adb all night without running it dead.
How do you get rid of those? Is it difficult?
Just rename Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk to .bak and reboot. (they're in /system/app)

Do it using adb since renaming those apk's will cause looping force closes.
I used adb to rename both Phone.apk and TelphonyProvider.apk
The looping force close problem hits the Coby screen but I still got the power down and yes eventually without having to use the reset button.
If you haven't used adb yet you might be able to do it from a "Terminal Emulation" app like this:
$ su
# mv /system/app/Phone.apk /system/app/Phone.bak
Then the screen will get stuck in an endless loop about force close. Try power down and clicking on "OK". If not push in the reset button on the back. The endless loop will mean you can only do one each boot.
My battery is okay...and that's because the device is brand new. I use 'Advanced Task Killer' to stop unused running apps.
I've got a terminal emulator and I think I'll try it. Thanks for the tip. It makes sense that the battery life would improve..it's probably looking for a cell signal all the time.
It worked-I had no problem getting out of the FC loop. I now have an icon on the top of my screen that looks like one of the volume ones but with an X next to it and I assume that means the phone apps are gone. :)
I don't have such an icon on my MID. I guess it's an app you've installed that requires full phone rights and is complaining.
Wow! You weren't kidding about the increase in battery life! I was using it pretty heavily yesterday and after 4 hours my battery was only down to 50%. I ended up getting about 7 and a half hours total before it got down to 10%! I also keep the screen at about 40% brightness which I think helps too.
Do you have to be rooted to do this because when i try this with terminal emulator it says su access not allowed
Yep! Rooting is a great thing because it gives you complete control over your tablet.
I wanted to know more so google'n lead me to PowerTutor.
I downloaded from their web-site
but maybe I didn't start the server.
I downloaded again from Market and got it going.
So on on my MID with the screen brightness around the middle of the slide, I see more than 3/4 of the power usage is the LCD display. The rest is all the CPU. The display is drawing 35 mW. Sliding up to the max brightness the power jumped to 54 mW.
My conclusion is the LCD is 75% to 85% of the drain on the battery.
If Sue has the display very low the battery will last much longer.
If l_n is using adb and the display is dark the battery will last much much longer.
Conclusion: For long battery life have the brightness as low as comfortable. In a car in the sunshine I expect I'll have mine very high. Also set the screen off timer to as low as you can accept.