Which apad tablet to buy?


Oct 25, 2010
Hi All,

I was about to buy an android tablet 'Apad' . I went trough the forum and came to know that I need to check the version and specification before buying it.
I am new to android thing and pretty much confused :confused: with the configuration thing because 256 MB Ram is better than 128 MB and even though the CPU is ROKER it might not perform well as it is not optimised for 1.7 :confused::confused::confused:. Then there are some which claims they are dual core . Guys pls help

I have selected few models based on my reading on the forum.Can you pls help me in choosing one.

I am posting the link for the convinence.

eBay India: Google Android Tablet Netbook PC aPad MID 7" UMPC iCOD (item 160495927521 end time 19-Nov-2010 11:00:00 IST)

eBay India: First Time In India SMARTEPAD, APAD, 7inch Screen (item 320581480886 end time 24-Nov-2010 11:11:15 IST)

eBay India: APad by iRobot (item 120634581048 end time 26-Oct-2010 13:21:21 IST)

Thanks in advance.
The first two are identical. The only difference is marketing and firmware potentially. The third is a different CPU and is still a low power unit. But remember these three rules.

1. The low power and economy units will cost between $100-150USD. These units listed all fall into this category are fine for E-Reading, Web Browsing and limited Audio-Visual use. It will have no or very limited support. The battery life is poor to Fair.
2. There are only four versions of Android used on Tablets 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, and 2.2 Any other number will be the Firmware version. The higher the number is usually better. Two months ago, 1.7.4 was considered the best for Android 1.6. These will all use Android 1.6 and may have a higher number. Firmware is what can make or break the quality and capability of the tablet.
3. Do not expect upgrade capability to higher versions of Android with these low power/low price tablets. They are community versions of Android 2.1 for some of these tablets, but may not be compatible.

I cannot recommend or not recommend these to you. Notice ALL have the name APad, it is like saying car or automobile. This is not a brand/model. The IRobot with the RockChip may be the best unit. but I advise all to avoid E-Bay due to the poor support and return of some sellers.