Which (bricked) tablet do i have?


May 12, 2011
Hello there,

few days ago i've got an Infotmic tablet from my customer as thankyou as addition to the bill. There was only the users manual, gps and charger. I thougt wow, cool. Not cool it's bricked and i don't know which model it is. See the foto and tell me please ( i found the foto somewhere here in the forum, mine is looking the same). $tablet_infotmic.jpg

The model name would me help a lot to recover this thing.
The problem is:
1. The first time i powered it on: the message appeared please charde, low battery or something. Ok, plugged in the charger powering on, Infotmic logo and number on bottom right (some numbers) and it goes off. Ok maybe something wrong with power supply, let it charging for the night - the led remained red after 12 hours or more of charging. Powering on: Infotmic logo, and goes off. Hmm..
2. Searching up the forums, somebody suggested to press the reset button. Did so:( Now powering on the device, it's vibrating and the screen remains black.
3. Tried this method to reflash nothing happens.
4. I found this method here but i don't know if it's for my tablet, because i don't know how this plastik box with buttons has to be called:)

Do i have a chance to recover it?

You have a SuperPAD/Flytouch II. The burntool method is the correct one to use without much risk of permanently bricking the tablet. Hope that helps :)
Hello there,

few days ago i've got an Infotmic tablet from my customer as thankyou as addition to the bill. There was only the users manual, gps and charger. I thougt wow, cool. Not cool it's bricked and i don't know which model it is. See the foto and tell me please ( i found the foto somewhere here in the forum, mine is looking the same).View attachment 2379

The model name would me help a lot to recover this thing.
The problem is:
1. The first time i powered it on: the message appeared please charde, low battery or something. Ok, plugged in the charger powering on, Infotmic logo and number on bottom right (some numbers) and it goes off. Ok maybe something wrong with power supply, let it charging for the night - the led remained red after 12 hours or more of charging. Powering on: Infotmic logo, and goes off. Hmm..
2. Searching up the forums, somebody suggested to press the reset button. Did so:( Now powering on the device, it's vibrating and the screen remains black.
3. Tried this method to reflash nothing happens.
4. I found this method here but i don't know if it's for my tablet, because i don't know how this plastik box with buttons has to be called:)

Do i have a chance to recover it?


Good at least it is still booting, and your lucky that there is a version showing undert the InfoTMIC start up logo, that means you can flash it with 2.2 Froyo.

Read here
[GUIDE] :: SuperPad/FlyTouch2/WWE10 Android 2.2 Froyo USB Flashing :: - xda-developers

And scroll down to the Alternative Solution where you can flash it using MicroSD card.
Make sure you go through a battery cycle every few weeks or so to fully utilize the lifetime of the battery.

for the first: thanks for your replies. Now i have some info i can use:)

Good at least it is still booting, and your lucky that there is a version showing undert the InfoTMIC start up logo, that means you can flash it with 2.2 Froyo.

Read here
[GUIDE] :: SuperPad/FlyTouch2/WWE10 Android 2.2 Froyo USB Flashing :: - xda-developers

And scroll down to the Alternative Solution where you can flash it using MicroSD card.

Unfortunately i already pressed reset, so now it's showing only a black screen. So i'll have to try the usb flash method. I'll now buy the cable and try it out. Report will come.

So, nothing helps. Pressing power+menu as well as power+menu+home and nothing happens (vibrating then buzzing for 5 sec from speakers, blank screen and powers off). Pc is not registering a new usb device. I've just disassembled it and disconnected the battery. Red somewhere the battery should be disconnect for a couple of hours. Although i believe it's nonsense disconnecting for one sec should be enough, but it didn't help:(

So any further suggestions?
no news actually: letting battery disconnected over night brought nothing. To sum up: power button lets it vibrating for 2 sec, speakers are buzzing then for 5 seconds, screen stays black and it goes off.

Is it now completely bricked? I would appreciate any suggestions:)
I believe you have a very expensive paperweight.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!