Which Tegra 2 Tablet should I choose ?


Dec 29, 2010

I wanted to buy my first android tablet (I'm not new to android OS, indeed I've got a Nexus One). Tablets based on Tegra CPU seems to be the best long term choice for Flash, Gaming, general reactivity,....

My budget: 450$ with shiping (to France :cool:), no one pens...

After lot of surf, I've found 2 models which seems correspond to my simple criterion( Tegra 2, multitouch capacitive screen, 1***x6*** screen, 16:9 ratio, dev community)

  • Viewsonic G tab (10.1" screen, rooted, good community in xda, tegra 2, 16go,...) BUT it seems that the quality screen is not good
  • TOSHIBA Folio 100 (10.1" screen,...) BUT not community and not lot of test...
  • Notion Ink Adam (10.1" lcd screen, good quality, ...) BUT it not avaible now :(
  • ????
Over nice tablet which I saw (it seems that there no good 7" tablets according to my budget and my criterions):

  • Nook Color (rooted, 7", excellent screen quality 1024 x 600,...) BUT it's ""only"" a Cortex A8 and there are not enough button for a good ergonomic use of android (even if there some short icon which can simulate these buttons).
  • eLocity A7 (7" screen, usb port, xda community which just start...) BUT it's a monotouch capacitive screen Oo :eek: !

Is there others tablets which responds to what I want ?
Should I wait (like I've seen on an other topic about CES) ? (And wait for what tablets ?)

PS: sorry for my bad English :/

Thank you in advance for your answers
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I'm in the same boat you are.... I just recently purchased a Cruz T105 tablet but it was very "crippled" due to lack of upgradeabilty. Does not support Flash and will not upgrade from android 2.0 as well as being terribly slow (600mhz proc) I've heard about this "rooting" stuff but I don't really don't know what that totally means yet as I am a *COMPLETE* android noob. LOL. I'm looking for the most capable 6-8" most upgradeable tablet there is. I'd like to stay small if possible....

I have *NO IDEA* where to start. Is there a glossary of terms I can find?
Hi, I wanted to buy my first android tablet (I'm not new to android OS, indeed I've got a Nexus One). Tablets based on Tegra CPU seems to be the best long term choice for Flash, Gaming, general reactivity,....

Of what you've listed I like the eLocity. As far as the Notion Ink Adam, I don't trust Notion Ink until they actually start shipping and people like you and me give their review.
Based on my experience, the Viewsonic. There is no substitute for an active user population and developers.
Based on my experience, the Viewsonic. There is no substitute for an active user population and developers.

That'a a good point and it is something I hope develops with the Huawei S7. User support is one of the reasons I love and enjoy my HTC EVO, XDA is hacking the cr@p out of it.

My only reservation is the Viewsonic screen; I haven't seen it myself but the reviews have been mixed. Of course not too much on the eLocity either so the jury is still out on that one.
@KDOG: I agree completely with you, I wish also a compact tablet (with 7"/8" screen) but I there no multitouch 7" tablet with tegra now... (at least I have not found yet)

@DCLocal: I think we can trust them ^^. There are lot of video of this product running and we are shure that there will be a very good community.

@pbrauer: Does the weight of the tablet is not it important for a long period?