Why you wouldn't want to root (seriously...sort of)


Staff member
Sep 22, 2010
OK, this post is mostly tongue-in-cheek. I'm obviously a huge fan of the Nook, and want EVERYONE to root it and suck the marrow out of its Android bones (what a weird metaphor!). Seriously, I've posted several times that using it stock is only tapping a small percent of its potential, and rooting is pretty easy.

BUT: the other day on XDA, I got way up high on my soapbox and starting sermonizing to someone who was hesitant to root...something about "I'm happy with my stock Nook and I want to wait and see if B&N offers anything that improves it." Of course I launched into a holier-than-thou speech, which was greeted by several users who (justifiably) took me to task for it. :(

And I learned something. Something important, that I didn't know: rooting the NookColor apparently knocks out the 1-hour free browse in Barnes&Noble. Holy s***. For real?

Well, I researched it on XDA, and seemed to come away with some doubts: [Q] B&N in-store access when rooted? - xda-developers It looks like the "failure" rate is maybe 60% or 70%. Some rooted users seem to be OK, but most have lost the function. But it's an important consideration, and something we haven't talked about here yet.

Anyone tried it out yet? I'll give it a shot soon.

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Haven't tried this myself but I can say I have 113 reasons (apps) why to root to make up for that one possible loss. :) Besides B&N has over 100 free ebooks and most every ebook will let you read around 60 pages as a sample.

Next time I go to B&N, I'll try to remember to bring my NC.
Haven't tried this myself but I can say I have 113 reasons (apps) why to root to make up for that one possible loss. :) Besides B&N has over 100 free ebooks and most every ebook will let you read around 60 pages as a sample.
You know of course I agree with you. If fact, I'm not sure who evangelizes more, you or me. Probably you. ;)

In my case, though, there's a wild card: the Nook was not bought for me, but for my wife. AND IF SHE can't do the free 1-hour read, then...well...yep, I get a blanket, some hay, and a dog house. :(

Remember, it's still tongue-in-cheek. But if it turns out to be a real limitation, I'll obviously (a) keep the NC rooted and (b) be praying for a fix! Soon!

I got my Nook Color knowing it had potential to be more than an e-reader. And when I learned it could be rooted I jumped on it and promptly did so. I am a huge fan of this amazing little device. And I really don't care about the free one hour at BN stores. In all honesty, I haven't been back to my local store since getting my Nook Color. I understand that, for some people, this may be an issue which may keep them from rooting. I just don't see that as so important a matter to keep me from fully utilizing my Nook Color.
I'm beginning to worry that people are taking the thread title seriously. A few more "and here's why I love my rooted Nook" responses and I'm rewriting my OP to avoid misunderstanding!!!
